MovieChat Forums > Blonde (2022) Discussion > Why fan fictionalize Marilyn’s life?

Why fan fictionalize Marilyn’s life?

Why Oates tell a fake story about Marilyn? There is no proof she was ever in a throuple with two guys. Seems like she only dated those guys for awhile, separately not at the same time. Not finding new evidence to say otherwise. So why lie? Why make up something like that? Makes everything else in this come into question.

Author should have done a fictional drama about a fictionalized blond bombshell “Marilyn type” star in the 50s. Call her Veralyn Von Doe or something and leave the real Marilyn out of it. At least that would have been honest, and not this fake, bait n switch, fan fiction mock-biography.


To write an almost guaranteed best seller for which the movie rights would sell twice? Tho the second time was a bonus.

The roman a clef you suggested would have a much smaller chance of financial reward


Marilyn’s estate should sue for all those royalties.


Marilyn’s estate no longer owns the rights, it was sold to a corporation long ago.


Lots of fiction has been written using real people. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?


Is there anybody out there who is going to believe that Abraham Lincoln hunted vampires?


Marilyn Monroe is a fiction.....
