MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > No English audio ! that sucks

No English audio ! that sucks

why are all the good family movies always in a foreign language ? thats stupid. The least the Norwegian people could have done is a english voice over !


They're trying to weed out the whiny childern from the adults.

My God! I can not believe how narrow-minded people are that they can not enjoy a film in it's native language. Or suffer from a learning diabilty that keeps them from reading subtitles.



Couldn't agree with you more.


Actually, I try to enjoy foreign films with subtitles when they arise and will never complain because an English voice-over isn't available. That said...I do have diagnosed ADHD (technically, a learning disorder), and it does make it very difficult.


Hats off to you for your efforts, then.

Vada a bordo, cazzo!


Ignore him; he- like the subject of this film- is a troll. Just check his history all he asks are banal questions and make obnoxious complaints.


obviously if he wants to show his family, which sounds fine by me since this film may even appeal to children more than adults, why it is so wrong that a kid can't read subtitles easily?

I couldn't read well until I was 13, and I was in special after school classes to help me learn. Thankfully I was not made fun of by people like you just because I have a learning disorder that has nothing to do with my actual intellect.

and what's with the hate of people who may be illiterate or have a learning disability? While I watch many foreign films and prefer subs over dubs, it is hard for me, and you don't have to be a jerk about it. Do people who have a harder time than me really don't deserve to watch the films you do?

What about the countries that mostly release films with dubbing instead of subbing? Are most Austrians all whiny children to you?

get off your high horse, and respect that some things work better for different people. The best option is always multiple options so that everyone can enjoy art, not just elitists.


There is a difference between a learning disability and being lazy. The OP is clearly the latter and deserves to be mocked.



You know. Im just going to call you a douche.


You should probably send the producers of the movie some money to augment their shoestring budget for an English voice-over. No? I thought so.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


IMO most good films cease being good when you dub them into a different language.

Talking to the dead is easy. The hard part is getting the dead to talk back.


That's exactly what I think when I see movies or shows that are originally in English dubbed to Norwegian (unless it's a cartoon). It's annoying as hell!


Yes it is!
Take one big chunk each of two much debated issues in the Norway, wildlife predators and power lines, mix it together with a HUGE conspiracy theory, and voila, we have the Trollhunter.
IMO the genius of the film lie much in that the action is not comical per se, it's the hilarious setting, the ridiculousness of the conspiracy theory and the choice of comedians as actors (Otto Jespersen as trollhunter, Knut Nærum as power plant engineer and Robert Stoltenberg as Polish bear carcass supplier) that makes it so funny.

All in all a very original package, compared to the dullness of Max Manus and Kon Tiki II.


Thankfully we only dub films and shows for children and when dvds came it was easier to choose the preferred language.

Don't tell me, it's no use to me. Tell yourself if you want to but don't tell me.


I just got my blu-ray copy from Netflix and it has an English dialogue option.


Thank you Fazhoul,
I do not understand why on all foreign films that they do not tell us this information you have just told us. I am now going to get this film.

By the way "I was born to Lead, Not read"


Luddite Cretin


For the sake of humanity, do not breed. We have enough stupid people as is.




That's about 3 posts I've seen with you complaining about English subtitles.

Just read the damn subtitles instead of complaining about how 'lazy' THEY are for not dubbing the film for you.

Whiney little b!tch


How about learning to read subtitles! Seriously dubbed movies are so bad it completely destroys the atmosphere and feel of the movie.

Ps. I'm not norwegian.


I just bought an import copy yesterday and it has English subtitles and I will ALWAYS prefer subs over dubs any day. These were very easy to read and my companion who speaks a bit of the Norsk said they were pretty close.

"It's just television, get over it!" - David Letterman


I HATE English dubbing in non-English films, it completely ruins the film. This is particularly true with Japanese and South Korean films, where things are expressed in a completely different way from the West, and you lose so much when it's dubbed.


even more so when they feel the need to replace the cultural reference. Like when they say the character is eating a doughnut, when it's obviously sushi.

Unless you suffer from dyslexia, there is no reason why you can't read subtitles.


Yeah tried watching it with the English dub (out of curiosity as as only seen one English dub before) gave up after 10 min and went back to the start to watch with subtitles. dunno how anyone could prefer this (unless reasons like dyslexia)


I agree completely, try watching Ichi the killer in English, its terrible.


I totally agree. I was forced to watch Oldboy dubbed because my friend didn't want to read subtitles and it would've ruined the movie for me if I hadn't already seen it proper. The emotion was gone and the voice acting was terrible. I don't understand why anyone would want to watch a film dubbed.

We made a land where crap is king, and the good don't last too long.


Agree entirely, all films should be watched in their native language, dubbing them into English ruins them completely. You need to hear the emotion and expression of the original actor and marry that with the dialogue you read from the subtitles - it's the only way.


Depends on the language. If it's French for example, I can't for the life of me take it seriously.
Ruins any flicks that might otherwise be a good drama/thriller/action movie.

And Asian movies in their native language make me feel like I'm watching the movie in a crowded sushi bar.
It's why I'm glad to see many Asian movies being shot in English from the start by large directors, it just works. It may not be my native tongue but much like Latin used to be, it's an easy and expressive universal language.


I guess that needing dubbed versions of foreign stuff depends on where and how you are raised. In my country we rearly dubb stuff. I live in a small country. I have grown up reading subs and dont like dubbed stuff very much. Lately they have started dubbing all the cartoons and anime and I just can't go to the movies anymore because i dislike dubbed stuff. Bigger countries like US and Germany and Italy e.t.c. dubb stuff and that is what they are used to. To each their own. I will be sticking to the subtitles and be happy that we dont dubb everything :)


First of all, if there ever was to be an English voice over for Troll Hunter it would sound really weird given the tone of voice from Norwegians from the east or west side of the country.
Secondly: millions of people watch movies in a foreign language. We watch movies in Swedish, English, French, Russian, Danish and so on. Just because it's not in English audio doesn't mean the movie is ruined.
If you don't want to read subtitles, I will suggest you just stop watching foreign movies all together.


surely a troll post, on trollhunter forum, 10/10 tbh



"It's just television, get over it!" - David Letterman


People that watch foreign films dubbed are worthless.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys." - Andrew Ryan


Actually for those of us that have dyslexic family and friends, dubbing is great as it means we can all watch the film together and no one needs to get embaressed because they can't read the sub titles. :D

your opinion is the wrong one!



Teehee, you funny k unt....
your opinion is the wrong one!


There's english audio on my copy. it's actually a really good dub. I usually hate dubs and watch all my anime subbed but this was decent.


Lucio Fulci's 'Zombie' has a decent English dub as does 'Demoni.' It's animated, but Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children has a very good dub.


Are you nuts???? The acting blows away Cloverfield so why ruin it with lame dubs???? The French are more refined and prefer VO or Version Original films. Why is it my fellow Americans demand everything in English? I love "Brotherhood of the Wolf" but the dub sucks, I can only watch it in the original French. My French is pretty bad but I still pick up mistakes in the dubbed version. I just bought the Blu-ray of Troll Hunter and I've watched it three times in two days. The trolls themselves are pretty silly except for the last one but the rest is so brilliant I'd still give it a 10. The sad part is I know how bad sub titles are so the original Norwegian version must be very different. I just wish I knew the language. I know a little French, German and Spanish but zero Norwegian. What little French I remember always surprises me with Brotherhood of the Wolf. Some of the translations are really bad and spoil the movie. Bad translations is 90% of why I'd avoid dubs. Pay attention and maybe you'll learn a few words of Norwegian. I did. Enjoy it for what it is, a truly brilliant foreign film. It's better than anything the Scifi Channel ever ran and I commend them for not soiling it with bad dubs. A year ago I got the Blu-ray of Akira and I was shocked that they had redone the dubs and not only were the voices different but the story of was very different. Sadly they often rewrite the story for the dubbed version so not only are you missing the acting but the original story. I just wish they showed more respect for the original material.
