MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > The Christian thing didn't technically m...

The Christian thing didn't technically make sense...


Yes, yes- it's in folklore. So are trolls who wear clothes and communicate with people- but the film specifically says to dismiss fairy tales.

Now, things like why they turn to stone, how the co-exist, how they blend in to their environment are all pretty well explained and kept as scientific as possible- which might be why it's so nagging. They make such a point in some scenes to show how their existence can make sense that this one thing singles out as making the least sense.

Faith doesn't change blood chemistry. There's no reason for a troll to tell the difference between Christian music and non. It just seems weird to suck all the mysticism out of trolls and leave that in there.

Don't get me wrong- this movie was awesome, and I definitely laughed at a few of those scenes (like when he blasts the Christian music to distract it), just saying that stood out a bit.


The Christian thing didn't technically make oddball_oddity-1 ยป Tue Oct 18 2011 05:10:27 IMDb member since January 2008

Yes, yes- it's in folklore. So are trolls who wear clothes and communicate with people- but the film specifically says to dismiss fairy tales.

Now, things like why they turn to stone, how the co-exist, how they blend in to their environment are all pretty well explained and kept as scientific as possible- which might be why it's so nagging. They make such a point in some scenes to show how their existence can make sense that this one thing singles out as making the least sense.

Faith doesn't change blood chemistry. There's no reason for a troll to tell the difference between Christian music and non. It just seems weird to suck all the mysticism out of trolls and leave that in there.

Don't get me wrong- this movie was awesome, and I definitely laughed at a few of those scenes (like when he blasts the Christian music to distract it), just saying that stood out a bit.

There's a really good Japanese anime called Gokudo that has the ancient Japanese gods attacking Buddha as an invading religion leader.

I believe most Christian faiths require baptism representing rebirth so why is it so hard to comprehend trolls might be able to smell or sense baptized people? There's also the sacrament, literally the body & blood of Christ last I heard which they might also somehow sense.
It's really no different than all the Christian mythology about being saved by Jesus.

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


@ oddball_oddity-1

Faith doesn't change blood chemistry.
That's too big a statement to have a good chance of being true. So many things change our chemistry [eg diet, exposure to sun, etc etc] that it's got to be likely one's faith would have some impact. Given the size of some troll noses ๐Ÿ˜จ, it wouldn't take much to identify a person's odor as relating to a specific cultural group.

I don't know about the tens of thousands of smaller faiths, but isn't there a bunch of dietary silliness among the popular ones? I personally recall "fish on a Friday" in Catholics, and I seem to remember something to do with other 'forbidden fruit' in Islam and Judaism, for example. So very possible a good smeller [humans are very bad smellers] could distinguish faiths as a separate 'smell group'.

Good to have a serious discussion about a hilarious film about an epic mythic creature ๐Ÿ˜€


I believe that he actually was a VEGAN! Trolls can smell that S**t!?! I should know! I'm from Denmark! And we've got Trolls all over the place;-D
