MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Enjoyed it up until they show the troll

Enjoyed it up until they show the troll

I thought the pacing and the story were quite interesting and I was rather enjoying the movie...until they showed the troll. It looked like it was cut and pasted out of a cartoon. And the thought of something taller than the trees roaming the back country of Norway undiscovered was ludicrous. I just couldn't continue watching after that, it completely destroyed beyond repair my suspension of disbelief. Now, had it been more like the trolls in Skyrim which are more animal like, it would have been a really great movie.


Sheesh, the foreign hate on the trolls ... You don't get it. The trolls in the film is made up to look EXACTLY like the NORWEGIAN STEREOTYPICAL image of trolls. This is an image every Norwegian has grown up with in the last 100+ years, thanks to iconic drawings by the Norwegian artist Th. Kittelsen.

That's what makes it hilarious from a Norwegian view point: that they took this Blair Witch-style mockumentary and just went totally over the top by throwing in trolls the way they are supposed to look based on OUR culture/folklore. Norwegians grow up with stories of some trolls being huge as a mountain. Several mountains around the country are said to be petrified trolls, even some mountains have troll-like names as a result of it.

If you want your trolls to look like something out of Hollywood, then please stick with Hollywood. Also, the final troll in this film was named best movie monster of the year by Empire Magazine. One of the reasons it was named so was because it went totally AGAINST "Hollywood" and gave you a monster unlike anything ever seen ... in MOVIES (but seen for years in Norwegian art and literature).


I thought the trolls in this film were excellent. I had no problem with the way they were depicted as being huge.


It wasn't just their size. They're faces were literally right our of a Disney cartoon. I went from suspenseful interest to laughing out loud. Totally ruined the movie for me.


You got the wrong end of the stick - Disney adopted some of the Scandinavian troll looks, and here you come critisising that. Unfortunately, I can't help you with Disney.

For the heart life is simple, it beats as long as it can.


I think you might have missed out on the point/mood of the movie.


Jesus, after we tell him these images/"troll designs" have been around for over 100 years (long before Disney started), he actually goes and says "they were right out of a Disney cartoon". Give me strength.


I didn't mind the troll. Don't forget this is a comedy. The Moutain Kings have penis heads for crying out loud!

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


If you didn't like it you didn't like it but it's pretty clear that you completely missed the unique mythology and cultural influences that grounded this film. I'm American but for whatever reason have been exposed to enough Scandinavian people and cities to somehow have picked up enough to have immediately "gotten" this movie. Instead of trying to morph this movie into something it's not, you might want to do just a few minutes digging up some basic troll lore.


Enjoyed it up until they show the troll by pinkled5 ยป Thu Nov 28 2013 18:35:42IMDb member since August 2005
I thought the pacing and the story were quite interesting and I was rather enjoying the movie...until they showed the troll. It looked like it was cut and pasted out of a cartoon. And the thought of something taller than the trees roaming the back country of Norway undiscovered was ludicrous. I just couldn't continue watching after that, it completely destroyed beyond repair my suspension of disbelief. Now, had it been more like the trolls in Skyrim which are more animal like, it would have been a really great movie.

Jesus, sorry a film made by the people who brought us trolls in mythology failed to match your videogame re-imaginings.
I found this movie to be fun with an interesting take on bringing the subject into the modern era.

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley


I just saw this movie on netflix and I thought it was a great well made movie.


You do realize you sound like you're complaining that the trolls looked too much like .. well trolls lol. I'm American as well and thought the movie was awesome. Stop hating and I guarantee the people you know in real life will stop hating you.


You want the trolls from Skyrim to be in a movie . . . I give up.


I too was enjoying it quite a bit as a serious fake found-footage movie (even though some of the dialogue and stuff was crappy/cheesy, but I mainly put that down to the translation - it being a foreign film, and me watching it with English subtitles, so even with the dodgy dialogue, I thought this was probably a serious fake found-footage movie), up until the point where they showed the first troll - Then I thought it must be taking the piss out of all these fake found-footage movies. Because that's the point where the suspension of disbelief is completely gone - You can't keep yourself in the frame of mind that this is real, this is real-found footage, like in, say, The Fourth Kind. At that point I started thinking that this must be taking the piss out of these fake found footage movies - at how ridiculous they really are - so this film takes it to the extreme - trolls with three heads, turning to stone, being able to smell the blood of a Christian, etc.

I'm fairly certain it isn't just a really *beep* serious fake found-footage movie.


I think you are right. I didn't stick around long enough to find out, but I'm not interested in that kind of satirical look at trolls, anyway. Just not my cup of tea, I guess.


"I'm not interested in that kind of satirical look at trolls, anyway. Just not my cup of tea, I guess." Me too, really. I was expecting it to be a serious take on it. Still good though.
