Gripes of Chapter 1

-Needs more nude scenes. That small tittle flash at night was a bummer.

-Montage preview of Chapter 2 at the end was stupid because it spoiled a lot of the scenes for the next show. Seriously, they showed a hell of a lot.

-Needs more gun battles and intense situational scenes instead of just showing the great American landscape while riding dem horses and pullin' dem wagons.

-Should've just piloted the first movie to gauge critics/fan reaction and then improve on the 2nd instead of filming 1-2 (maybe 3) back-to-back.

-Movie jumps around a lot so it can confuse some in some places.

Not many saw the movie when I went in but at the end, an old couple with their feet planted atop the seat in front of them shouted that it was the worst movie they've seen.


I think it just looks like a jumble of plots right now and it was a hard introductory in trying to keep all of them and the characters straight. That said, there are some fantastic sequences in the film overall and to be honest, I think each one of the (I believe) 4 stories was far from boring (just some more underdeveloped than others) and it will be interesting to see where they go and how they intersect. This was a massive undertaking by Costner and i'm here for the duration to see how it all turns out.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -
