Is it worth seeing in theaters?

Or should I wait until it's on streaming closer to when Chapter 2 comes out?


I think it is absolutely worth seeing in the theater. I watched it on Saturday and was never bored. It has a great cast who give great performances, great cinematography, a great score and it lays the foundation for an epic story to unfold over the next three parts.

Just understand that this is merely the first part of a four-part story. It seems that a lot of people are disappointed that it doesn't feel like a complete narrative, but it was never meant to. This film just sets the stage for what's to come.


The real question is - if he wanted to make it this long, why didn't he take the limited series route?
It's bad enough that peeps had to wait a week for the next tv series episode, but when you apply the same format, but release each episode with a year delay, it ain't cool.

Why should anyone watch it now and not wait for all 4 parts to come out first?


Because hes Kevin Costner!!!

I say we get Kevin Costner in a room with James Cameron and let them both just tell each other how great they are for 48 hours. We can break it up into 16 seperate 3 hour films and release it into theatres once a year until the end of mankind.

Just to make sure EVERYONE knows how great they both are LOL.

BTW.. Costner to good for silly television series now.

Ill wait until its free. Costner has become so arrogant its hard to forget who I am watching sometimes. Even in his older films that I like he comes off as an ass now most of the time. Bull Durham hes a prick and thats a great baseball film. Costners "Cool" didn't age well IMO. Comes off as forced unlike guys like McQueen, Gibson, Bronson, Eastwood, Swayze, Willis etc.


Well Part II is out in a month. What will happen with Parts III and IV, however, is anyone's guess now that Part I only made $11 million in its opening weekend. It will be a damn shame if he's not able to finish the story.

Perhaps Part II was designed in a way that, in the event that he's not able to complete the rest, it will still feel a complete story has been told. I guess we'll just have to see.

As for why he didn't go the TV route, I think he wanted to make something that was big and cinematic and that would be seen first on the big screen. If he's not able to raise the funding to finish Parts III and IV though, I do hope that someone like Netflix steps in to help out, though.
