MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2011) Discussion > Has been improving since the pilot....

Has been improving since the pilot....

I've been enjoying the show more since the pilot, the episodes seem to be improving as the show goes on. I'm a fan of the original show and the movies so I was willing to give it a shot even though I felt the pilot was very weak, and the acting was just ok to out right terrible! Let's hope that the show keeps getting better before ABC decides to cancel it. I do think if people hadn't seen that pilot (Why would anyone greenlight that pilot is beyond me)and had seen episode 2 first it would have stronger ratings.

Out of the three Angels
Rachael Taylor as Abby Sampson has been the best I liked her undercover work in the second episode the one problem is her background is so dumb as the Rich Girl who becomes a cat-burglar is just plan ridicules and insulting to the audience.

Annie Ilonzeh as Kate Prince is just ok I don't know why they've focused the most on her background as the dirty cop who lost everything and is trying to redeem herself. Two episodes have already been focused on this and I felt nothing for it, I don't know why they keep draging it out so much.

Minka Kelly as Eve French um where do I start.... she's pretty to look at but that is about it. Her acting is ridicules and that South American accent or Twang that comes in and out whenever she remembers to use it is just mind boggling. Her character's background is the worst and I better stop now before it becomes a book.

I feel they should have fixed the Angels backgrounds before the pilot aired and have cast someone else as the Street tough Angel. I do hope that the original Angels from the 70s series make appearances this includes Tanya and Shelly since they are part of that universe.


Then why does it keep losing viewers every week? Every week FEWER viewers come back to watch it again.


Then why does it keep losing viewers every week?Every week FEWER viewers come
back to watch it again.
It's happening with alot of other shows also.


Pan am, Revenge ECT Also have fewer viewers tuning back each week... It's even happening with shows on tv a few seasons or more.

sig- "Not having an open mind is a good thing to lose."


Because people tend to watch the first episodes and from those they either stop watching the show, or persist. As the first two episodes were awkwardly "bad-ish", people stopped watching and judged the whole series based on those two episodes.
Which on normal people, would be (sadly) expected - but for all of us Wannabe-Reviewers is the a disgrace, a complete and utter shame in a childish way.
Reviewers watch the whole thing. That IS what they do. Even when you don't enjoy the show from the start. And IF it is so bad, annoying, or uncompelling that you can't or won't watch through - don't Review it. At that point you are just a civilian. You didn't complete the meal throughout the many courses, so you can't criticize it as a whole.

I agree, the show started horribly, but got better a few episodes later. Which means it doesn't deserve a 2 in 10. It isn't "the worst show ever". It wasn't GOOD. But it wasn't THAT bad neither. You want bad? Watch the whole Titanic 2 movie.


I have liked it since the pilot. I dvr the vampire diaries , And I tune-into CA every week live.

sig- "Not having an open mind is a good thing to lose."


The episodes have improved a lot since the pilot and I am really enjoying this show. I hope they give it more of a chance to catch on to the people.



i'm starting to like the show now :)


The show is decent.


It has gotten better since the pilot, but the acting hasn't. Its distractinly flat acting. Rachel Taylor is better than the others in my opinion, whew!



You absolutely must have the IQ of an Orangutan to enjoy this mindless farce, no doubt your aptitude for polished cinema is in need of drastic improvement, if it can be saved at all. My guess is the latter, I truely do pity your kind; the dregs of IMDB.


There is no need to insult someone's intelligence. By the way, your post is fraught with mistakes. I pity your kind too: the pseudo-intellectuals of IMDB.


I don't feel its getting better. The plots are getting more
insane - as if they have problems finding "bad characters".

The only thing that's getting bigger are the plot holes
and the suspension of disbelieve.

Make a photo of the us girls in the black site camp and
wait for the US-Seals to drop in 45 minutes later.

The bad guys are too conveniently stupid and careless,
they are practically risking their whole organization
and freedom for what...some lame "power play"?

By the money they make, they don't need to kidnap or
force anybody to anything. Just pay them a nice sum
and they come in droves.



Buh Bye Charlie's talentless Bimbo's

They've been mercifully canceled.



There is absolutely no hope for you, your standards for improvement are below subpar (if there is such a thing). How myopic can one be? truely your one of a kind or just a hapless dimwit.

Distinguished Fellow

