MovieChat Forums > Scream VI (2023) Discussion > You have a character who explains the ‘r...

You have a character who explains the ‘rules’…

…but seems utterly blind to the most obvious rules of these pseudo-Scream sequels - the killers will always be white, and the main cast have diversity-armour which makes them invulnerable.

When Randy went on his self-aware rants it was interesting because he called out real tropes, here you’ve got Black Lesbian Randy blathering on about ‘requels’ etc completely failing to identify the fact that she’s in a painfully woke film, and that racist politically ideology is exactly what determines who will die, and who the killer is.

Even Scream 4 (a vastly superior film to these non-Craven imposters) played with how gays were invulnerable due to political correctness. No mention of that here, instead we’re gaslit with distracting talk of ‘franchise’ rules while the actual rules of woke go creepily unmentioned.

Wes and Kevin respected the intelligence of the audience. These morons have absolute disdain for us. Fuck ‘em and their woke shite.


I don’t like slamming movies for being woke by I’m noticing certain patterns in the Scream series. It may just be a coincidence but it probably isn’t. That said, the black lesbian girl is a fine actor but she’s basically just a b or c level version of Randy. They should have written her a bit differently

Btw the scene where they are sitting around going through each possible suspect I groaned.. been there, done that

I love the Scream series but I hope 6 is the last one they make


It’s undeniable at this point. Hollywood is completely infected by woke and these Radio Silence soy-boys are major carriers of the virus.

The suspects scene could have been really engaging if Maya had called out the woke agenda of the filmmakers that we can all see but… you’re not allowed to mention such things. The deafening silence on this is the only real horror in these last two Scream films.


I love the Scream series but I hope 6 is the last one they make

Oh there’s plenty more shit where this turd came from. They’ll do at least one more to complete the ‘Radio Silence trilogy’.

If it makes money then it’s very possible they’ll keep beating this dead horse into red mist, the series will go down the same toilet as Halloween.

We might even see another Scream TV series, and they’ll be hoping to bring the main characters back as ‘legacy characters’ in a few years.

As far as I’m concerned Scream died with Wes Craven, and 4 is the final chapter.


She's a C level Randy whereas Kirby was a B level Randy. Still loved Kirby but she was essentially a female Randy


I totally get it. But you could just not watch it. If I love something I am into seeing whatever I can. But that's just me. I hated 4 though.


Maybe that's something they're saving for 7? She'll include that in the speech. Then they'll subvert it by actually having the twins kill or be killed


honestly i was hoping that the FBI agent would do a damn profile on the serial killer at some point in time

wtf didn't she do BAU training?!


You’re 100% right on this. Hollywood has never been so embarrassingly formulaic as today, yet the writers choose to ignore the fact that their hyper-overcompensating political correctness is exactly what should be being lambasted in a modern Scream movie. Woke morons.


The whole satirical self-aware commentary aspect of Scream pretty much died with the death of Randy. It just becomes contrived and unrealistic with every similar character they've tried to add to the franchise. Randy worked because he was believable as a horror movie obsessed geek who can't quite distinguish between fantasy and reality. I can't believe the characters in this movie actually sat down to discuss the supposed rules of horror movies. Nobody in the early movies took that seriously except Randy. That's the problem with the franchise, they're way too limited by the formula and ticking off the Scream checklist. It's possible to be self-aware without being too literal.


Okay, I'm not denying there's a lot of wokeness everywhere and while I'm not generally bothered by it, yeah it can be annoying when it's just there for the sake of it. And there's no denying what else has been said here about there at least being a pattern.

However. To play devil's advocate. Gale and Kirby are white, as are Sidney, Mark, Martha, and they all still have active character shields. The lead was a white girl for four movies and no one said anything of a white power agenda (not saying there was one, but nothing wrong with letting Latins and blacks have a turn as the narrative shifts). In the first four, most non-white characters died. And very few non-whites in 1 and 4.

And in 5 and 6. Well it makes sense that Wes is white like his mom, and they're targeted for her past involvement. Makes sense Stu's nephew is white like him. I guess we can assume the Carpenter sisters favor their mother and the twins favor their father. Makes sense that Richie's family is white like him. So there are organic, built-in, in-story reasons for some of the whites on both sides to be of the race they are. And it's also nice to have a story where the people of color are just existing as people, and the story isn't about the tragedies and trials and tribulations they go through because of being their race. It's not *about* their race, so it's not about shoving race down our throats, they're just there as they are. Also Tony Revolori is of Guatemalen descent.

Also Mindy wasn't even in the hospital for a day, she was there for about the duration of the final battle. I think Danny says something like "Mindy's on her way they couldn't stop her." And she mentions she's on good medications. Plus I'm sure she's got adrenaline.

But yes, Chad especially surviving both times now is ridiculous.

But, even since the original, these movies have traditionally allowed for at least one surprise/ridiculous survival.

That said, if they manage to get the Core Four back for #7 somehow, I like them all fine enough, but they do need to truly change up the formula. Have Sam be the killer and/or die, and have at least one but preferably two of the others die.


There's no reason to play devil's advocate. You're correct. Some people are just mad the world doesn't revolve around them anymore.


So, in other words you hate "Whitey" and it's okay when your side does racism.


^There's a difference.

POC getting their turn and white people taking a bit of a back seat is not the extreme "hating on Whitey" that you take it to be. The white people are not being completely erased from the industry, or always caricatures. No one's barring the white actors from going to the premieres of their movies because they're held in whites-only theaters.

There is room for everyone at the table.

Fwiw, my viewpoint, I'm a white man, so it's not like I don't understand their plight. I guess being gay allows me to be more empathetic to others.
