FWIW I think it was an awesome movie

I don't know why people are easily swayed by the opinions of the current zeitgeist of the movie going universe, but this movie was an spectacle. It was not a tepid spectacle. It was grand. It was awesome. I enjoyed every moment of it. It was just as good as the first movie, if not better.



I personally thought it was the second best in the series myself. It had problems, but was a fun/enjoyable blockbuster.


I enjoyed it too. Yeah it's a bit slow in parts but I think it tries to keep things lite and entertaining and some of the action is very over-the-top and fun to watch. I'd say it about about the third best. Really like the first 2, three isn't bad, four I wasn't a big fan of.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/Ifd_yV1ZFNg


I enjoyed it, but saw too many flaws. It felt piratey, and that's what I wanted. Could have used a better story, stronger characters, less CGI, the smart Jack Sparrow, and more Will Turner.
