Poor Quinn

The guy is a hero, but he's been whittled down to a broken mess.

Things are not looking good for him at this point.


i have great hope.

it is obvious that he is trying his best to rise above his afflictions and do his duty... as any hero would do.


Since Carrie acquired Quinn's cellphone, she is going to find that he is extremely intelligent. He had the wit and the smarts to be able to tell that Carrie's house was being watched, by the same terrorist group, at Medina Shipping, that planted the bomb in Sekou's van.


I have a theory: This season will end with Quinn dying. Maybe he will be in prison, or some kind of psych ward, basically for the rest of his life - and he will want to die. Carrie will help him, once she realizes he's basically in hell and has no life left. This euthanasia will poetically bookend the last season, which ended with Carrie almost killing him but not doing it.

Just a theory/daydream.


Once again. Poor Quinn. Lost Astrid...


Yeah that was brutal. First he treats her like shit, punches her in the solar plexus, finds out that she really loves him, & then immediately gets her killed. That's gonna be a rough one to live down.


I feel like their going with the "shock" of Astrid's death will somehow cure him. Like he'll snap out of it, lol~


He's now a retarded vegetable.


Not really, he's getting the job done on Dar Adal and assassin man with the wooly toque.
