MovieChat Forums > PeteyandJia

PeteyandJia (300)


Gus' Gun Great movie One of the best shows on TV How many times did you see this in the theater? Just got back from the theater... Unbearable. Unforgivable. TERRIBLE MOVIE. WHERE THE FUCK IS BILL BURR I really wanted to love this movie, but it just didn’t deliver for me. Chuck's final letter to Jimmy - more proof he hated him Really funny movie View all posts >


Thanks! Only a few more days now, until we start to get to see how wrong I am, ha. Can't wait for these final 6... and yet I will miss the hell outta this show, the moment it's over For the record, my guesses: 1. Charter Arms Bulldog .44 Special 2. Wants to lure Lalo into the superlab, then lock him down there forever, so he eventually finds the gun, goes mad & kills himself with it 3. No idea. These writers are usually too clever to predict The rule is clear: “The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.” It says nothing about ownership, or intent, or even awareness of the rules itself. Merely using the note. Therefore, sadly, Ray Penber is just as fucked as Light... for eternity. *laughs in Ryuk* First intro is skippable. Second intro is incredible. One of the best intros of all time in my opinion. Love em both. They are about equally incredible, just in very different ways. And both very deep. Just finished rewatching it all the way through again, after about a dozen or so years. And I must agree... Masterpiece I like the anime ending better. Light stumbling along in the sunlight & reflecting on his life, the music, then him bleeding out on the stairs... it works so well, powerful ending in the show. Truly beautiful film. It achieves a level of pure poetry. The original theme gets played quite a few times throughout the movie, and in many variations. The Thing excerpts are just in two parts: when they are running the rope to the bathroom through the crazy snowstorm, and the whole sequence when the poison is revealed. Both really cool moments that go with the almost 30-year old score pieces perfectly. Quentin also uses another old Morricone piece, from Exorcist III, in the scene near the beginning when the horses are shown to be sloshing through the grueling snowstorm in slow motion. Beautiful piece of music and a very inventive way to use it. Almost no one puts music to film like QT, and Morricone matches his style so well. Glad those two found each other. And by "a big portion of the score" you mean exactly 2 parts of the movie where pieces from The Thing score (by Morricone) are used, and an entire majority of the rest of the movie where Morricone's original Hateful Eight score was used? View all replies >