

Where did Earth get its wealth and technology from? It doesn't trade with other alien civilizations. Explain it please.


No,it openly traded amongst itself. History shows how necessary it is to have trade because no one area has all of the resources needed for civilisations to advance to a certain point. You do realize that humans had to develop wealth and technology right? They didn't just appear one day.


You do realize that humans had to develop wealth and technology right? They didn't just appear one day.

Exactly. Wakanda did the same, just on a smaller scale, and with at least one additional exotic material, vibranium.


That makes no sense. They purposely didn't trade their one valuable commodity.


By secretly sending agents out to blend in with other black nations then join in on the whine, complain, seek reparations, foreign aid, stealing from rich white folks, mob robs, then bringing all those resources back in Wakanda without anyone knowing.


While that is incredibly racist,it is literally a better explanation than the movie provided.


I didn't know facts are considered racists now. I've seen many blacks doing this (excluding the stealing from white folk and bringing them back to Wakanda).

You can google blacks call for reparations and blacks using the race card and you'll get lots of results. Many incidents of this.


Carjackings in Asgard.
