Why is it bad?

I wanted to watch this but ratings are quite low.

What did not work... what die they get wrong or change, etc?

Thank you in advance.


I think it’s because nothing really came together in the end. Everything is too loose, so you can’t really invest in any one character or see any kind of overarching point to the whole mess that it quickly became. And when you don’t invest in anyone, the story has no weight and no tension, so the bad guys don’t feel threatening and you aren’t rooting for the good guys to win or feeling sad when they get hurt.


Thanks for replying. I was looking for a shorter non-story related answer like this.


You're welcome. Honestly, it's bad. It starts out a little shaky, but it gets laughably terrible by the end.


> it gets laughably terrible by the end.

That almost sounds like "so bad it's good," like Plan Nine From Outer Space or something. I can't even give it that kind of a compliment. There were a few odd moments here and there that I liked, but overall, ugh.


Yeah, it's just bad. Not good in most ways. It has its moments, but it's overall bad.
