MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > crappy season.. and aimed only at the US...

crappy season.. and aimed only at the US audience

so far it's just bunch of hysterical people being paranoid and cliche clown gang... so week. There's literally no plot, the only plot is fear and paranoia... Also political and social issues might appeal to US audience and be good representation of current problems, but Europeans for example totally can not connect to this storyline AT ALL... I am just not interested in political crap on a show like this... totally out of place. such a disappointment of a season.. even Evan Peter's character doesn't impress me and that's a first...


guys, I feel like i have to add an update as my original comments were after one or two episodes, I am glad they toned down the political angle a little and starting too get where the season is going and I think it is getting a little bit better, still it's all about fear paranoia and phobias and cult creating chaos and fear, bla bla bla... to much realism!!! and not good enough plot for me. I feel one crucial thing it makes this season different is it's all about the real world and missing the supernatural element the show was famous for and this is what people are missing. it doesn't feel like the same type of show.... One thing I definitely changed my mind on is when I said I even don't like Evan's character and he's amazing actor... turns out I actually do he's actually pretty good as Kai :)


A show called American Horror Story is US centric? I'm shocked. :)


that was not my point all the other seasons took place in the US obviously so not what I was saying I was saying I don't like political angle read the thread and my other answers...


I was afraid that is what it would be like from the teasers and trailers. 2 bad seasons in a row will not be good.


Except that Roanoke was awesome.


I guess I shouldn't assume that no fans liked it.


I thought it may be like this, but as a Canadian I am still very interested in the show and I find it gets better as the episodes go by. Did you continue to watch?


yes!! :) Enjoying it! It's getting little frustrating that people all comment only on my first post and all get my point wrong and type same comments. No none reads the whole thread and discussion and my other posts (including the one on top of this page) where I explained what I meant and how I am liking the season more and more and reasons why I do :)


Yeah exactly. Often shows you have to get through a couple episodes too before you get into the groove of it. I think that happens a lot where people don't read the posts before commenting.
