MovieChat Forums > The Loft (2015) Discussion > Why would guys like this get married?

Why would guys like this get married?

A bit off topic, but If you're a rich playboy who can be with a different woman whenever he wants, why bother getting married and need to sneak around? People who cheat on their spouses have always fascinated me. There are a lot of people who get married who know they don't want to, but do anyway. I think they're pressured into it because they think that if they're with someone for a certain amount of time it's the next step. It's probably why there are so many divorces.


I thought they explain this pretty well for most of the characters:

Phillip - He has no money and gets married to Vicki who's father is loaded.

Chris - He seems as if he really wants to fall in love with someone, and just fell out of love with his wife. He cheated on which is obviously wrong but was looking to tell her about it and get a divorce.

Marty- He seems to be insecure, which is why he got married to the first person who probably showed attention to him. The San Diego chick is the only girl he cheated on her with, even though he talks about screwing girls all the time. A perfect example in San Diego, he gets pissed Vincent is talking to the fat chick, but then quickly flirts with her because she is interested in him.

Luke - He was faithful to his wife, and obviously had mental problems. His wife also doesn't seem to be stable as well.

Vincent - He was the character they didn't explain this too well with, as he got the most action of the five of them. It seems he got a wife for the purpose of his job, someone to bring along to his events.


I think it's entirely different. U wouldnt do something to your wife, but some random bitch it's all allowed. Also wifes dont do everything u want or you never open. No one fully opens to someone they know. U only do that to people u dont know because u dont care what they think.


I think it's entirely different. U wouldnt do something to your wife, but some random bitch it's all allowed. Also wifes dont do everything u want or you never open. No one fully opens to someone they know. U only do that to people u dont know because u dont care what they think.

Great description of a man who hates women - a self-loathing, immature coward.

What could be great fun... a kink... with a consenting partner, becomes depravity when a man is so ashamed of himself that he expresses his sexuality as if hurling a weapon at an enemy who (in his sick mind) deserves no better.

The diagnosis is "Madonna/Whore Complex." It's a pathological delusion that impairs the ability to mature to manhood and to view women as equal, unique and complex human beings.

~ "Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined." Toni Morrison/Beloved ~


Your logic is flawed as well. What makes you think every partner (man or woman) is willing to do every sexual desire of their significant other?


oafuape -

Your logic is flawed as well.

Flawed logic? Fine, you have a different view. Back it up. What specifically did you find to be a flaw? Find a quote from what I wrote and refute it. Otherwise, you may have well have said, "You like chocolate. I like vanilla, therefore, your logic is flawed." LOL If you want to take on the big dogs, then bring your A-game. Heck, even a C-game would be better than what you posted.

What makes you think every partner (man or woman) is willing to do every sexual desire of their significant other?

Ah, perhaps it's a reading comprehension challenge you are experiencing.

By all means, lift the quote from what I wrote that made you think that I thought "every partner..." Lots of luck with finding it but the search should do your brain good.

You are arguing against a point not made... not by me, anyway. Your assumptions are different than my assertions.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


Because he wants to have his cake and eat it, too.
Because he was in love with her. Once. And doesn't want to break her heart or is in the process of looking for another girl before he does risk it.
Because he wants to keep all of his assets. ("He's living in the condo alone now. That's just about all she let him keep.")
Because he's in politics or another job where image is important. (Selling condos, for example.)

Few random, varying scumbag reasons. There's is no valid justification for leading another person on; male or female. If you want to mess around, find someone who wants an open relationship. I find it funny how obsessive and jealous some get when YOU start looking at other people!


Because marriage isn't just about sex. It's about partnership, companionship, wealth building, child bearing, etc. These men want those things from the woman they marry. They want fun, excitement, and sex from someone else.

It's sad that we've made marriage about sex and monogamy.

Don't you have certain friends that you prefer for different activities? I have a friend I like to go to movies and shopping with but she makes a lousy dinner date and she knows it. So when I go to dinner with my other friend, am I cheating on my movie friend?


"It's sad that we've made marriage about sex and monogamy."

If you cant honor the covenant vow then stay your sick ass OFF the altar! Who want to bear children and wealth with someone who wants to whip it out in every hole that allows it? but if SHE did it then you will be just like that fat azz in the movie crying your eyes out! If you cant keep the covenant vow honor in marriage you are NOT to be trusted in business, nor family ( cause you can get mistresses pregnant)! Your word is CRAP! So just buy a hooker where you can screw any thang and any body! Dont waste the spouse's time or the sacred covenant vow time! Youll eventually get aids anyway!

"Because marriage isn't just about sex. It's about partnership, companionship, wealth building, child bearing, etc. These men want those things from the woman they marry. They want fun, excitement, and sex from someone else."

This can be done WITHOUT marriage! So once again why bother taking the covenant vow if you want to stick your dick in any hole???? Can SHE do that and spout this same junk your are posting???? "Marriage is about wealth building and child bearing but I can screw any hot guy with a six pack I want if my puss gets tired of just your ONE dick cause it's soooo sad marriage is about monogamy!" I bet you are a bitter loser no one wants to seriously take to the altar anyway!


Pretty much. Marriage is a vow/promise; don't get married if you can't commit. If you are unhappy, then LEAVE instead of being a liar and cheat. All those other things can be done without marriage.


If sex and monogamy are the only reason you got married, that's sad because that's all your spouse is to you- someone to have sex with.

(Consider a review site if you don't want spoilers. This is a discussion board.)


Why would WOMEN get married when we all know men are pigs and will cheat eventually. Wise up girls, otherwise it's on YOU!

There are no men who won't cheat, only who can't cheat, ha ha ha


You would be surprised. An alarming number of people, men and women, when asked why they got married, reply "not to be alone".

Those guys are just the same. They're hypocrites because they don't want their wives to cheat on them, just because they don't want to lose them. They like their routine, having someone to come home to, and someone who takes care of them. They can indulge in their immature little boy side with their wives.

It's pathetic and dishonest, yes, but it's not surprising.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I know a lot of guys who screw around outside of marriage... but they still love their wives. Sex is sex... and shouldn't be confused with love. I am not saying cheating is good, because I hate it, but it is a reality women should except. Obviously not all men are like this, but a good number are, and perhaps are the majority, unfortunately.


StrontiumAE BS! You dont know nobody who does that! Maybe a few! But I DARE you to tell your wife "sex is sex" and love is love! YOU DONT LOVE YOUR WIFE if you wiling to get out there and screw others! You are trash! I highly doubt you will shrug your shoulders if your wife was boinking your best friend and say "I love you" but sex is sex and love is love! Trash scum hope your bank account is emptied from alimony and it leads you to a drunken depression!


Wooah, easy there. I don't think you even read my post properly. Personally I am a pretty loyal person and never fooled around. But I am also not naive enough to think men like me are the majority. I have married friends and colleagues who mess around with other women, but I know they still love their wives. Its not right, but it is what it is. It happens and it happens a lot.


StrontiumAE If you cheat then no you do not love your wife! You love getting away with having side pieces as she say nothing cause she is more than likely doing the same or using you for your money. Plus you have to be naive to think almost every man out there cheat and think their wives just stay faithful! You do your thing, then they do theirs too!


Ok then.


Lmao this comment is full of win.


Women and men, are NOT naturally monogamous.

Apparently, very few marriages are monogamous relationships. Most spouses have had multiple pre-marital lovers. Some people enter marriage knowing they will continue to have multiple lovers and the partners find happiness in this agreement. (Open marriage or polyamory, for example.)

However, "cheating" is not reflective of a lack of monogamy, it's reflective of criminal mindedness. Violating the rights of others to get what you want is what separates the limited criminal mind from the empowered, intelligent mind.

A cheater steals the choices of their spouse through deception, because if they asked their partner if they would agree to opening up the relationship to new sexual partners, they assume the answer would be, "No." Or, for some, an even worse answer is, "Yes, I've been wanting to expand my sexuality, too!"

The respectful, fair, trustworthy and protective nature of that conversation displays an intimacy and capacity for love which is markedly absent in the cheater. So, I think your question:

Why would guys like this get married?

is more about the expectation that a myth be real or even, reality-based. Equating marriage with monogamy is like comparing a whole pot of soup to one carrot.

Monogamy happens between monogamous people, regardless of marital status.

I think many people believe either that they can stifle their natures - "settle down into marriage" and then they discover that marriage has no actual affect on their natural sexuality. How they react to this self-knowledge separates the criminal-minded from the true love types. The lovers will have a conversation. The criminals will revert to lying and cheating. The worst of those criminals will blame the spouse for their own dissatisfaction and willfully use sexual humiliation and betrayal as a weapon.

No one should ever marry until after they have researched and understood the origins and purpose of marriage and what the traditions and symbols represent. Bottom line, it's about inheritance, women's status as property and alliances of power. Marriage has absolutely nothing to do with the measure of love, commitment or sexuality... those things exist in relationships... no wedding required.

~ "Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined." Toni Morrison/Beloved ~

