I absolutely hate Doug.

the entire liver transplant story made me absolutely sick. I really liked him and admired his loyalty in the first season but have hated him since. His sick devotion to Frank is so off-putting. Obviously Frank and Claire are the most evil on the show but there is something purer about their self-interested machinations. But Doug isn't even doing all this for himself or his career... he is obsessed with Frank and it is just vile. I can't even quite put it into words ..


I can't stand Doug, he's a murdering creep but also a petty man-child who thinks people deserve to die or be ruined if they make him feel small for one second. He's almost worse than the Underwoods, in a way.


I agree with your Doug assssment. I find him an odious, dangerous man, the worse possible definition of a sycophant. He has no life but for the one which he offers to the Underwoods in slavish devotion.


I completely agree. While, Frank and Claire are despicable characters, it is people like Doug and their loyalty to evil that makes it prevail. Frank and Claire have personal interest in being who they are, Doug has no personal interest. Except that if there's no Frank, there's no Doug. He exists because of someone else's existence. A person who wilfully submits to evil and nurtures it and simply exists just because they don't know how to function without it, is absolutely reprehensible.

If the three of them don't end up in ruin, this show would be Doug Stamper of TV shows. The fact that people love people like Doug, Frank and Claire worries me. You may find it intriguing or compelling to watch while you don't agree with their actions but to "love" them is deeply unsettling.


I wanted him to die this season so much. Guess I can't get good things.


I don't think its "vile". He's just rather nuts.


I don't think its "vile". He's just rather nuts.

When he's been given clear avenues to not keep serving a malignant megalomaniac like Franke and not murder poor Rachel who only wanted to walk away, then that points to him being wilfully vile (as well as being genuinely nuts in some ways, with his drinking being one symptom of his intense weirdness).


I hate him with a PASSION

Just because your last name is heroin don't mean you have to go around selling it
- Harlem Nights


He's easily the biggest creepy weirdo on the whole show. It's definitely really unsettling every time we get a scene revolving around himī€¦ He's very Renfield.



Doug and Meechum are the best characters. Now i only watch it for Doug. Doug gets *beep* done.

