Such an ugly looking film

I have no idea what has happened to the world really, and to artists, zero aesthetics in everything. Zero. This is an exceptionally ugly looking film. That one eyed bitch that was gag inducing, the 10 minutes of boiling fart sounds at the beginning, the darkness, all the trash, the godawful teal and orange, it's just ugly. An ugly film. The antithesis of the original Blade Runner which is a thing of beauty, and a thing of beauty is a joy for ever.


Im glad I skipped it then.


you didn't miss anything.


Ana de Armas was nice to see though.


She was a pure Joi to behold


With zero hyperbole, I can say that Blade Runner 2049 is the best film to be made in this century. The only other contender for that crown is There Will Be Blood, but the sheer skill involved in making something as ambitious as BR2049 wholly believable is breathtaking.


it felt like a different universe, i think its because ridley scott was actually an artist, and denis is just a untalented overrated director, this was not a blade runner movie


Ridley Scott is not an artist, the original Blade Runner was a huge fluke.


Scott studied at the Royal College of Art in London, what did denis villeneuve do?


I don't know and I don't care, Scott's Blade Runner final cut is as teal and orange as any Transformers film, so.


Nah, it wasn't an ugly film at all. You probably took some bad drugs before you watched the film!


The original is whimsical and dream-like, like a lullaby. Overall, I thought they did a good job of recreating the look, but something just didn't quite click. I can't really put my finger on why, but it just didn't have the soul and spirit of the original.


The score. The first had a lot of magical sounds and soft horns. I spent the entire move wondering why the score was so bad. I like how in the Star Wars universe, they keep the score for all movies.

James Bond bugs me because they ditched the bond sound for atmospheric sounds.


I highly agree, the sounds in the original are otherworldly, they made me feel like I was there.


Weak script stretched over a stupid long running time. IMHO, it needed more action and more sci-fi elements.


Or more art. Of which it had none.


The film was gorgeous and you're blind if you think it looked ugly. What is ugly about any of this:
and that's all just collected from trailer footage


extremely ugly, it's all fake digital, plus orange and teal filters. It's the easy way out.


For many of the darker scenes, the difference in contrast would've been impossible to pull off like they did if they recorded on regular film. The final fight illuminated by the tail-lights of Luv's spinner, for example.

And what "teal filters"?


I pretty much doubt there is something digital does that film couldn't, so.


Well I'm happy to disappoint you then. You can do a lot of things with digital that you can't with film.
For that last fight scene you wouldn't get the same silhouettes on film, and the lights sources on/in the spinner would also look worse. Digital is far more adaptable overall and it's better for recording at super low-level lighting


I don't recall anything of that last scene because it was so forgettable, it seems to me it was just two light streams and everything else was pitch black, you can certainly achieve that with film.


The last fight scene was weak. It's like they were fighting in a toilet. Would you really compare it against a set piece from Inception? Mad Max? Even The Fugitive or US Marshals.

Then it asked you to suspend too much: replicants can't breathe underwater? Where does K's sudden strength come from -> when he has knife wounds all over? That works for a cheesy surprise in a Bruce Willis movie - but did not fit here, nor did the entire fight itself considering this was mostly an internal noir film.


Why would replicants be able to breathe underwater? They are based on human biology.
K came back after the knife wounds because the knife wasn't very long and it didn't really hurt K as bad as the bullet to the gut did. That's what caused him to bleed out on the stairs. The handguns in BR are super powerful.

And the final fight was great, it was just very unconventional vs most final fights. Deckard was drowning so they only had a short time to fight. The end of it in particular was a brutal struggle of strangling, stabbing, fighting and drowning. I like how they showed how much stronger a male replicant is than a female; K got kicked in the face multiple times and still punched Luv like 10 feet through the air into the waves. The bass of the music was great as well and felt strangely fitting


lol at you using Inception, one of the worst films ever, and ugly too, as some sort of visual standard.


LetThemEatCake, I don't know why I didn't look at your post history before (probably because I'm still kinda new to MC), but one glance at it is all I need to see that you are 100% a troll and you do nothing but go to different movie boards and make troll topics about how bad said movie is and the reasons why you hate it.


awww, the old tired troll excuse.


I think LetThemEatCake is more of a cynic than a troll... He is often able to make clear and thoughtful points.

Although he seems to feel that cinema ended with Hitchcock...


And I love reading him.


"The film was gorgeous and you're blind if you think it looked ugly. What is ugly about any of this"
Don't waste your time, this board is full of edge-lords that adapt a 180° opinion of anything popular to desperately swim against the stream, to provoke, to be noticed.

"Oh look, people praise BR2049, I need to shit on it with an unpopular opinion!"



Ugly is the point; the antithesis as you said. Blade Runner is already a world overpopulated, over polluted. 2049 is what happens 30 years later. No fanciful lights. No blinking gadgets. No burning pyramids. This world is coarse, plain, ugly.


it was still shot in an ugly and unremarkable way.


Denis Villeneuve may not have been the right director for this universe. He has a plain, observant style than transmogrifies into a sinister horror - which worked well for Prisoners, Arrival, and especially for the nihilistic world of Sicario. This may have hampered 2049 more than it added to. Ridley Scott should've just directed this instead.


zzzzzz such boring preconceived narrative opinions. I don't want to see anything directed by Ridley Scott ever again in my life.


Too bad bro. The Martian is decent entertainment.

That said, Alien and Blade Runner are really his only visually raw and inventive films. It's shocking how everything after that seems like a commercial studio blockbuster. Even 'chaotic' films like Black Hawk Down or The Martian are glossed with a Hollywood polish.

Just read that Villeneuve was a collaborator in the writing stages. This means he literally ruined the movie; the script itself is slow and dull in execution and themes. On Sicario and Arrival, the scripts were written before he was brought onto the projects.


You can't call garbage like that Hollywood polish. That's not what Hollywood ever was. His upcoming new film looks like the same terrible, blue filtered, badly lit with awful wigs biopic we've had for the last 20 years. People need to get over it. The Bodyguard, which is a very fine film, nobody even knows who directed it and its director is not getting any accolades, I believe he even died and nobody cared, so people need to get over Ridley Scott, he is not a master or a genius.


I missed the Bodyguard in theatre... I'll check it out..


what?? have you seen it on tv?


nope! it's one of those that i always seem to miss...

i'll rent it next week and will fire up the projector


do you rent film reels?


i wish!

Nope, it's a digital home cinema projector in a dedicated room with a pretty good sound system... I can get a three+ metre wide scope image out of it and blu-rays look very cinematic... even Apple TV movies look good, although most streaming services remove too much of the grain on older movies shot on film...

There are no revival theatres in my area so it's the closest thing to cinema I can get to do older movies justice... I probably overspent on the audio side of the system (didn't do my homework), but it's worth it for me as I already had the spare room and decided not to buy a new car this year ;)


oh that's amazing.


Thanks... I've wanted one for years so I'm happy I was finally able to get one installed


I liked how BladeRunner 2049 was shot... I think it suited the film. However, the original towers above it aesthetically...

Have you guys rewatched Black Rain?
In it Ridley makes an homage to Bladerunner in terms of the rain soaked Japanese metropolis/noir look... Although it is set in then contemporary times rather than the future, so he didn't include any of the technological or dystopian themes... It's beautiful....
