MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Blade Runner gets its Revenge, 2 Oscars ...

Blade Runner gets its Revenge, 2 Oscars baby

Well deserved. Fcuk the world for dissing this movie.


cool. Which two?


Visual Effects


Both deserved. The effects in in Dunkirk looked CGI as f-all.


I thought the effects in the Ape Planets movie was the best out of this year in that category, The apes were photorealistic and seamless with the environment and other characters...

But yeah, the cinematography of Blade Runner 2049 is well deserved, even though I personally prefer the look of Dunkirk and think Hoyte Van Hoytema will get one eventually. Great to see Roger Deakins finally win one after 14 nominations! I think some of his earlier work was too subtle for the Oscars, who seem to like a bit of flare... 😉

I haven't seen the behind the scenes stuff for Blade Runner 2049 as I haven't bought the disc yet and I don't usually check those making-of extras out. But I wonder how related the visual effects and cinematography were in this movie.... I wuldn't be surprised to learn that there was a lot of work coordinating the two...


Think everyone bored of the mo-cap FX for monkeys, golems etc now with Serkis always droning on about how best actor should include mocap performances (i.e him). The spellbounding cityscapes of Blade Runner were far more impressive and exciting (plus it gave us the most realistic deage mo-cap FX so far in Rachel 2.0)


Did Serkis really say that? hahahaha...

This last Ape Planets movie is the first one that actually looks good in terms of the CGI apes, so it's as much the graphics guys as it is his performance... Also, none of his performances are Oscar worthy. Didn't the Ape Planets movie have other actors for the other apes?

Motion Capture FX is only just starting to look good and the accolades that Serkis got are mostly from the various nerds and fans of Ring Lords movies (in particular) and other such properties... Nearly any half decent actor can do this, as the computer and cartoon folks do all the heavy lifting... That Golem character looks pretty dated and bad now, whereas real acting from 60 years ago still works 😉 ... Even the CGI of Jurrassic Park is less dated than Serkis Golem...

So yeah, if snubbing Serkis is an added bonus of Blade Runner 2049 winning than that's great 😁


He always brings it up. Thing is the Apes movies (and other mocap stuff Avatar, LOTR, Kong etc) everyone is so used to it now and expect it to be flawless its like its no longer impressive


Golem, hm?


The sickly creature from the Ring Lord movies... I don't know his name... Golim?


Gollum, genius.


It's a cartoon character, i doubt i hurt it's feelings... 😉
You're clearly a fan, I didn't mean to hurt yours... 😘
We are all free to like and dislike what we wish... 👍


It's a character from literature, actually.
I'm not that much of a fan of the Jackson Ring movies, only in part.




what revenge? it's still one of the worst films ever made. Its reputation will only get worse.


I was waiting for yor inane reply to this. Like a train wreck waiting to happen.


Nice one fleischwolf!
Orange and Teal ftw!


and fake looking cityscapes.


Yeah, soooo fake looking, lol.


It's one of the best films ever made.

There, fixed it for ya!


This was one of my favorite movies of 2017 and a beautiful film. These boards are a cesspool of hate for pretty much everything.


its trolls


Thos 2 are just co-oscars.


oscar is an oscar joel


Indeed. The Oscar for the best movie got the same value as the co-oscar for makeup! I see your point :) .


cim and visual effects are enough.


This are only co-oscars for movies noone thinks that they deserve a real oscar.


still oscars butt pirate


Yes, there are even oscars for make up. Dont forget thos awesome awards! :)


comparing cim and special effects to make up lol. keep trying buttyboy


Cinematography is a big deal...

Studios may not be able to use the award to sell movies, or do PR as much as winning best picture or actor, but cinematography is one of the most respected parts of filmmaking and has been so for decades... It is respected by actual filmmakers, rather than celeb worshiping audiences...

There is no way someone can equate it with mark up or visual effects awards...


Well, as long as that autistic hack of a director doesn't get to win I will remain happy.


Arrival was garbage i agree but Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario and BR2049 were great. he only has one dud so far


Agreed bobbynynex.
