

For the same reason that they cast the new lead in the latest Dune movie. The twinkization of movies.

Females have more money than ever before and corporations are trying to capitalize on that market, as well as the Boomer Pedo market who have even more money through life savings. As well as the LGBT market who are ultra-consumerists and have a lot of money because they don't have children, they are manchildren themselves.


Curious though, if twinks are actually attractive to this demographic?

At the end of the day, actual women (reality majority) still like muscles, and men prefer strong kick ass heroes. So, who's falling for these?


There are several layers to this answer. Basically, WB/DC are trying to accomplish what Disney tried (to mediocre degrees of success!) to accomplish with Star Wars. They know that the comicbook nerds, who are mostly male, are going to show up to a Batman movie no matter what. So they're trying to capture the Demographics where they are lacking.

Moviegoers tend to be younger than the general population. Have you seen how popular Justin Bieber and Twilight are among younger females? Very, very profitable. And they don't have any muscles at all. Just sparkles.

It's still a male-dominated culture and men decide what's attractive or not. There isn't even 1 major corporation that culturally matters or a Media company or a Music Record label company that is being run by a woman. Females go along for the ride. Styles change, remember how overweight women were considered attractive during the Renaissance? Things change.

Muscles used to be depicted as more attractive in the past because the industrial economy still relied heavily on physical labour. And also because there was still The Cold War and the demand was high for physically strong soldiers.
But later those industrial jobs got shipped to China (and note how China itself has declared a war on Beta males now) and the Cold War is long over.
The tech industry began to dominate and America is now pretty much ruled by a bunch of skinny nerds. Now muscles are associated with lower IQ and lower status loser Alt-Right types that lost their power in society. Wasting their time in gyms rather than reading and learning the new ways of the world.

A handsome face like Pattinson is an indicator of better genetics, health, longevity of life, intelligence, social status.
Maybe women in West Virginia still like men like their coal miners but archetypes like Justin Bieber are what brings money now.


yet scientific studies prove STILL NOW that during ovulation, women are more attracted to muscular men. they'll never be able to shunt that. well built guys pull the girls at real life bars to. facts of REAL life and all that, not internet, nerds or twitter, but reality.

I'll point out THE ROCK is one of the biggest money draw in movies, cleaning up. Vin Disel, Jason Stathem. And Scarlett Johansson is not ugly either. :)


I think a key difference is that The Rock isn't White. And neither is Vin Diesel. African-Americans are the only demographic of men that are still allowed to represent traditional and even aggressive masculinity in Media, Entertainment, Music. They need to exert strength to balance out "White supremacy".
In contrast, someone like John Cena, who is an equivalent WWE superstar, gets to portray a clownish character called the Peacemaker who is not only not taken seriously; he's a parody of masculinity combined with low intelligence, American right-wing libertarian values, and even turns out to be a villain himself. He even dresses like something resembling a baby.

I was thinking about how The Expendables franchise was struggling to break even, despite including the entirety of the traditional action stars, including Jason Statham. Even the latest Rambo movie managed to bomb.

While the very definition of profitable action oriented movies now are the Avengers series where Chris Evans gives up his shield and status as Captain America to African-American Anthony Mackie. Thor renounces his kingship, giving it to African-American female Valkyrie. Dr Strange is homosexual Benedict Cumberbatch (Alan Turing).
Especially symbolically important is how Chris Evans' only hope of being happy is by going back into the PAST because what he represents as traditional White Christian Americans have no future.
Jewish Tony Stark becomes the new saviour of the world and he basically replaces Jesus but that's another story.

So yeah, masculinity is not dead in popular culture. That's an overly simplistic way of describing what's happening. Right-Wing political commentators are not telling the entire story when they complain about so-called War on Men or attacks on masculinity. Profit margins and marketing don't tell the entire story either.
It's being selectively applied to different groups in a divide and conquer strategy. And that's for amateur Internet political analysts to decipherLOL


all true!


Vin Diesel isn't white? He certainly looks white to me, and I doubt many people think of him as a person of color.

Tony Stark Jewish?
Dr. Strange homosexual?

Where are you getting this nonsense?

The film we're discussing is a perfect example-- a white lead actor playing a tough, powerful, violent, masculine character.

You seem to think that coming up with examples of non-white actors playing similar characters somehow means white actors aren't also playing those roles. More realistically, until recently we would not have seen black, female, or other non-white actors in those roles, so seeing them portrayed as such is so jarring to you that it blinds you to reality.

Lastly, I think you're failing to acknowledge the obvious, that The Expendables films, and the latest Rambo film, were shitty movies. That's why they flopped, not because they starred some white people.


I guarantee he's stronger and manlier than you.


Impossible. He is not stronger or manlier than anyone. Except Mayor Pete.


target audience is kids and teens, we are lucky batman isnt some justin bieber.


Give it time...



You're right, he is a weed.
