MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > hollywood is so over things being in foc...

hollywood is so over things being in focus

hollywood is so over things being in focus.
I guess you can save cost by having all backgrounds total blur mess, or even simply replaced with total out of focus back drop overlays? makes sense I guess.
saves money skipping focus pullers also.

maybe future "cool" movies will simply claim to be first person perspective of someone with cataracts. might be fun.
or how about a black screen with audio only, making everyone feel blind. great new advancements in cinema!!!


You can say goodbye to 2001 Space Odyssey style of film making and visuals. There's no more demand for realistic fake moon landings and Hollywood is suffering because of it.
Say hello to shaky cam and dark as night action scenes that are terribly choreographed and hard to make out.
This movie isn't dark thematically, it's only visually dark. But so is my stool.

What annoys me the most about this movie is how un-original it is! What a cheap immitation it is of Nolan's Bat-films. Pattinson's weak, childish voice doesn't help either.
