MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Just got out from the first show.. [No S...

Just got out from the first show.. [No Spoilers]

It's a masterpiece..
The visuals,
It's surely gonna get oscars in different catagories.
Robert was a different batman than what we know about the previous batman movies, truly what a batman should really be.. The world's best detective.

Riddler was the craziest villain, way brutal than the joker, loved him.
Marvel fans are gonna cry sitting there in the corner watching the darkness of DC without a single cliché forced punchline :p

Overall 10/10


Kewl mature itty bitty gritty big boy story, bro


But Holy predictably “hardcore” big bro, Batman! ZOOM! BOP! WHAM!

Well, I got time to spare up in this cesspool. (Not like there’s many real mature conversations happening.) Ok, hem. Now, imagine if those like It (the author behind this totally grown up post) had something surprising to say when it came to the obligatory, wildly desperate and tired AF Marvel diss? Trolls aside, cute how kewl hard bros truly believe such things. Aww, you so adult, y’all! Want a big boy bottle & lollipop to celebrate yer adult anti-Marvel flex? Aww. But as I stroll through the cesspool of trolls I just….. LMFAO!

Yes, but it’s evidently that time, baby. You know, that time when the kewl edgebro DC-sters (the ones besides the reich wing broflakes crying about the woke boogeyman 24/7!) like the super kewl big boy OP here… troll or not…. go after big bad Marvel (these “hardcore” edge bros are mad obsessed with such a “kiddie” franchise, huh? “Strangely” lives rent free in the heads of these hateful big kids) cuz yet another DARK & GRITTY (so adult hardcore xxx radical, bro! Ground-breaking, too!) DC joint came out. Yup, it’s that time indeed. Zzz!

Meh, what only happens every time ANY new live-action comic joint comes out that insecure manchildren can only get down with cuz it doesn’t embrace what unkewl fantastical comics have done for decades and stuff, and when it’s a dark DC property in particular, of course the likes of K here gotta flex their pompous boomer-thang to their rivals. Funny though, how some of these GRITTY AND GRIM AS HELL IT MAKES YOU QUESTION YOUR OWN MATURITY comic joints are anything but ground-breaking and are actually borrowing heavily from cinema snob-approved big boy films (and thus can’t form their own identity like kewl anti-comic comic film Joker) but that’s a big part of the reason why super big boys who hate fun and live in the dark apparently especially love these kinds of non-Marvel comic joints.

But yes, oh kewl unoriginal edgebro. What would you be if U didn’t go after that unkewl franchise that’s here to stay no matter how many kewl old miserable farts & old miserable fart-minded edge bros whine about it? Well, not a kewl tired old edgebro and that would be unkewl. If some pompous professional critics with sticks up their butts always boringly trash Marvel when reviewing a comic joint from a different studio (hilarious how to the truly hardcore film snobs of the world like Scorsese, ALL comic fare is ultimately all the same cuz no real sanctimonious grown ups should appreciate stuff that comes from apparently kids literature), naturally the kewl edge bros in places like these will do it like no one else.

Aight, you be yer kewl small-minded self. You’re in good big boy company up here. Unkewl ones like me, though, can appreciate it all (as long as it’s good). Marvel kids you think about all the time… u pervert… running scared tho? Aww, well reality-rejection is a thing in these boards. When the next unkewl Marvel joint comes out though, kewl shit-talking from the big boys like youse up here will be, like it is now, irrelevant. See ya, Kherwhack.


Do you sleep in an adult-sized baby crib?


Big boy took it on nerves 😂😂
Marvel fanboy


Stick to Gay Porn, Trashcan!


Damn, I was already afraid that it would be bland. Too bad. But they'll get a good one next time. "Joker" was done nicely so there'll be a good Batman movie out someday again.
DC's just a bit too bleak for movies perhaps?


"Marvel fans are gonna cry sitting there in the corner watching the darkness of DC without a single cliché forced punchline :p"

We Marvel fans give you a sweetly pitying smile, and say that it's nice that there's also a comic-book franchise for the people with no sense of humor.


Oh you sir are a big comedy fan it seems, i can suggest you some really good sitcoms instead of watching some disney grown up men with superpowers behaving like 13 years old lol
