MovieChat Forums > Spotlight (2015) Discussion > Thank God for Hollywood Jews exposing th...

Thank God for Hollywood Jews exposing those nasty Catholics

It's not like they would ever have an ulterior motive or anything is it?

And what a pure group of people they are themselves no skeletons in their closet.

All they want to do is operate their business interests in the fashion they are accustomed to, what's wrong with money lending, Porn and Prostitution? people love that right. It's those fucking Catholics and their 'Morals' that's what's really holding everyone back, oh and they're all nonces apparently, Jeffery Epstein Told me


I see you just got back from a vacation in Nutjob City.




lol that sounds about right, quick some people aren't believing the Bullshit better shut them up. Your good at that

Remind me again who is it that makes content sexualizing minors and perverting the youth?

Ever seen a Catholic in the Boardroom of MTV or Nickelodeon?


You don't have any objections to a straitjacket, do you? It's as much for your protection as it is for ours.


Catholic clergy molested and raped thousands of boys and girls in this country for decades. They covered it up and made no effort to protect or help the victims.

That is a fact! It has nothing to do with Jewish people or films that you think should be made.


Just like the Tzars were apparently starving their people
or the IRA blowing up Pubs
or the Serbs cutting babies out of the women
Or the Iraqi's throwing Babies from incubators
Or the Iraqi's having weapons of mass destruction
Or finding the intact passports of Al Queda sitting nicely on top the ashes of the Twin Towers

If they have an agenda aganst someone and a motive they always find a way to make the narrative work, and that's all it is, a narrative by Hollywood Script Writers completely unchallenged and promoted as this important piece of work for weak minded psuedo's.

It's Hack

Why don't we get a film made about Pedophllia within the Jewish Community?
Oh because we are not really important we are just over here minding our own business in our little minority community trying to get by.

Because i would love to stack the numbers of the TRUE cases in one against the other

Who created the Porn Industry?
Who introduced Planned parenthood?
Who is pushing for hormone treatment on children?
Who is trying to lower the age of consent (yes look it up)
Who sympathizes with NAMBLA
From where i am standing their is only one group interfering with Children


"You dirty Jews just mind your own business and let Catholic priests keep abusing all the children they want! THEYRE NOT HURTING ANYONE!!!"


Or lets attack an easy target and engineer more people to lose faith while we fly over to Epstein Island and tell everyone what to think

Fact there are more public school teachers who abuse children than priests.


> Fact there are more public school teachers who abuse children than priests.

Right, nobody EVER talks about that...


Do they?

maybe in States when it's hot women teacher but here in U.K never gets mentioned
