MovieChat Forums > Phantom (2013) Discussion > A few thoughts from a producer

A few thoughts from a producer

Thanks for all of your interest and thoughts on the movie. We certainly hope you will enjoy it when (if) you see it. We’d just like to address a few things if we may. All movies are works of fiction, and we’ve certainly not claimed that this movie is absolute historical fact from start to finish. We’ve stated that it is inspired by true events, because that is what it is. Whether you believe intelligence sources, or anyone else who believes the K-129 was set to launch a missile at Pearl Harbor, it is an irresistible story (or conspiracy, depending on your view) that this happened, and that it brought the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. closer to nuclear war than the Cuban Missile Crisis did. As filmmakers we found it fascinating, entertaining, and well worth the conversation. Movies are about entertainment and the telling of stories we as filmmakers and viewers might find interested. Not to mention, submarine stories make entertaining movies.

As far as the accents are concerned – We didn't ask the actors to use accents because we want the audience to forget that these are Soviet sailors and to simply see them as human beings under tremendous pressure. During the Cold War both Americans and Soviets were indoctrinated with fear to objectify each other. Part of the reason for this was to control and achieve a predictable, dependable outcome which was: When the order was given, you pushed the button that would trigger the end of the world. It wouldn't have been Washington or the Kremlin that would have pushed the button; it would have been ordinary men with families who had everything to lose. Saving the people you love most dearly is an instinct almost impossible to breach. Propaganda, indoctrination, believing a story is true, might just make it psychologically possible to justify your actions. This is one of the questions at the center of the film. That's what we want the audience to understand. These are ordinary men faced with unthinkable choices with a flawed, manipulated premise, (or at a minimum, an honest misunderstanding) informing their decisions. We don't want the characters to be dismissed or stigmatized because they have accents.

Thanks for your time and the conversation.


I will add hope this movie makes some money on dvd's or tv deals
