MovieChat Forums > Cry Macho (2021) Discussion > What a sad way to go out, Clint - crappy...

What a sad way to go out, Clint - crappy movie.

There's a fairly young woman trying to lure a man who can barely walk due to his age (not the character's age, mind you, but the actor who is not even trying to act more youthful) into her bed - what?
I don't mind Clint still acting in films, but it is now impossible to hide his age - so why not play someone of his age - not someone who is younger or at the very least, more youthful than Clint is at this point.
Then there's this scene where he's facing off against a kid - and here too Clint can't do anything physically, so the kid has to basically hurt himself before our eyes, while then acting as if Clint did something to him. Not only is it poor choreography, but there's just too much horrid acting all around. The kid's acting is shit. The action scenes are utter shit. There's not even an attempt being made to make Clint seem younger/youthful to fit the role.
Who is financing this shit? Why is Clint given the director's job?
Is this some kind of a farewell gift from one of his billionaire's friends? Or did he finance this himself? (Clint was the producer)

This is not a good way to go out.

I saw Michael Caine's Best Sellers and it wasn't too bad. Michael Caine played a dude who is old and can't walk - so he can play the role well - it fits his age. He sold it - the film wasn't amazing, but the acting wasn't an issue. In addition, I suspect Michael Caine's mental being is still there, while Clint's is nearly gone. Not only does he look feeble physically, but he's got major brain fog, if anyone bothers to watch his latest interviews. Not everyone ages the same way. We got the corrupt Dr. Fauci who is 80 years old, but he sounds and looks almost like a 60 year old man. Then we got El Presidento Biden who is younger, but looks and sounds like Clint Eastwood in his current 90. Again, we all age differently. At the end of the day, this is a sad way to see Clint go out - playing roles he shouldn't be playing, because he's no longer capable of selling them due to his age. He also shouldn't be directing - since actors in this film are acting like crap - and it's the director's job to fix that - which he obviously isn't doing.

So why is this such a sad affair? If Clint were to play a role of an old, feeble man - we could then be saying - whoa, Clint still got it. He's playing an old man and he's really selling it. But when he tries to take on a younger man's role - and there's no director to try to mask his feebleness, then it looks depressing - truly depressing, because in every scene he looks like he's about to have a stroke - even though none of the scenes call for a stroke acting moment (We all remember how Deniro fared playing a younger man under Scorsese's direction - even a Legendary director can't hide this shit).

Anyways - end of rant. Clint should either start taking on the roles of peeps in their 90's or retire, because this is not good work - it's shite.


The movie was pure, unadulterated kino. The guy is 91 lmao, give him a break. You will be happy if you remember to shit in the toilet at his age, let alone create and star in a movie.


Oh, I agree with you. I think Clint looks pretty good for his age - but not if you take the character role into consideration.
If he were playing an 80 year old, he could easily do it, despite being a decade older. 30 year gap though? Shit happens to you when you are 90. He does not pass off for a 60 year old - that's why de-aged Deniro still came off horribly wrong in the Irish action scenes.


I gave it about 20 minutes. There wasn't anything making me want to watch any more of it than that. My overwhelming feeling was "Clint is looking real old - it may be time for him to pack it in. Either that, or he should stay exclusively behind the camera."


Might be the worst Clint Eastwood movie ever. Bad acting. Bad story. Boring. Clint is too old to play a lead. Please stop.
