MovieChat Forums > Fire with Fire (2012) Discussion > 50 Cent movies always suck

50 Cent movies always suck

I just saw FREELANCERS and it was without a doubt De Niro reaching rock bottom, a horrible movie. I watched about half of SET-UP, a year ago, it was that bad. 50 Cent is about like Uwe Boll in as much as he makes unwatchable movies, but manages to get top notch actors. Why, though is Bruce Willis doing this one, didn't he learn his lesson from SET-UP, is he trying purposely to go into DTD movies.


He´s not a "real" actor, he sucks yes. But he doenst turn movies into bad movies just by being there. Personal i hate to see him on screen. HIM, not the movies.


It is more of a correlation than cause and effect. I am no fan of 4 Bits, but his acting is not why this movie sucked. But when a movie is going to suck, the producers and directors reach out to guys like him in order to rope in his moron fans so they won't lose their shirts on it.


i agree! 50 centsmovie sucks


It's not his movie. But yes, he does suck!

Don't be offended if I don't reply to your post - you might be on my Ignore List.


It wasn't brilliant but this is direct to DVD terrority here, in fact I watched it on Netflix and knew what to expect as soon as I read the blurb, but for a dumbed down Friday night it's ideal.


Yeah I learned a long time ago that if 50 Cent is in a movie then, incidentally, that's exactly how much that movie is worth.
