MovieChat Forums > King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Discussion > Honestly why have we never gotten a LOTR...

Honestly why have we never gotten a LOTR style Arthur fantasy film?

Le Morte D'Arthur has all the elements to make a trilogy of great high fantasy films. We already got a gritty reboot back in 2004 and it flopped. This just looks like more of the same.I hope its good but I would of loved a LOTR style film


I actually liked this film specifically because it didn't go the tired LotR route that so many have emulated since.


It seemed rather LOTR-like to me.


It's too bad the 2004 version flopped. Particularly tragic was director Jerry Bruckheimer's opting for Clive Owen over Daniel Craig in the lead because he was convinced Owen would be the next Bond.

The whole time watching that flick all I kept thinking was how much better Craig would have been in that role if only the director had just gone with his heart instead of letting his love of money and visions of future royalties interfere. If he did he could have had both.


Bruckheimer was the producer, not the director. He stifled director Antoine Fuqua's vision for the movie.


You're right. Tragic all the same.




How about an HBO miniseries, with the same high production values as "Game of Thrones"?

Because yeah, HBO needs a substitute for GoT, I'm not the only one who is planning to cancel their subscription when the show ends. Maybe I'd stick around if they mounted a similar series, like an adaptation of the Arthur legends, or "The Wheel of Time".


Probably because all films have to be "Woke" now as well as "diverse" so Guinevere would have to be the kick ass tough bitch who is probably also black or Asian (as per TV show Merlin), Lancelot would be a Moor, Arthur would now be female and Queen, Merlin would have to be anything but an old white man, unless he is Gay of course.

Oh and none of this period costume stuff, lets make it look like some weird cross between Mad Max, a Gulf War film and LOTR as per the Robin Hood film of 2018. Yes, that would work, who wants to hear people talk in period speech and dress that way? We want action, we want kick ass females, we want diversity!!!!

Oh.. did the film flop? Why?? Why??!!!


Well, you were incorrect about this being "more of the same" in regards to the 2004 gritty approach.
