Scene-by-scene remake

Other than a few modern items like cell phones, hair styles and music, this is almost a scene-by-scene remake. And yes, it is inferior to the original.


Don't forget the lectures about toxic masculinity!

No exactly scene-by-scene, but close enough. A totally unnecessary remake, but I'm sure Allaby will prefer it over the original.


It's not like the original was high art. If you're going to remake a bad movie at least try to change it up a little I reckon. I'm talking out my arse though, cause I've never watched this, and probably never will. Looks God awful.


I wouldn't call it the worst movie ever, it was just utterly pointless and boring. The ending was different, but not logical. I'm wondering if I should watch the sequel.


I'm sure Allaby will prefer it over the original.

There are prepubescent girls in it?


This was a dull, pretty pointless remake. At said below, not exactly "scene by scene", but pretty close. And it's not like the original is even that great (it isn't), but this was just a lazy rehash.

Could have done with some more gratuitous sex/nudity. Lots of talk in this, no action. The one brief scene where Alana walks in on a couple who are complete NPC's. I don't think they even appear elsewhere. I would have liked to see a scene like that with the Cleopatra girl, she was pretty sexy. Ditto the girl in the mummy uniform.
