MovieChat Forums > The Great Wall (2017) Discussion > Box office success or flop.

Box office success or flop.

Will this movie make money at the box office?


Saw it today in Beijing among Chinese people who seems to enjoyed, for me it was a flop movie end though it had great potential but countless flaws makes it typical low budget time pass movie nothing more.


Flop in the U.S. but success in China, à la Warcraft.


It looks overloaded with Chinese symbology and mythology. I don't know enough about the Chinese market but Damon or not I don't see a big market outside China. Early reviews have been lukewarm at best.

So I tend to think that it's going to be a flop, certainly not a huge success.


I just went to the cinema in China and they are showing say, around 8 shows a day in once single cinema. But it is quite odd to see a film based on "ancient China (Song Dynasty) with all Caucasion actors speaking English (at least to Chinese). The idea of a monster attacking the Great Wall during the Song Dynasty is simply absurd (The Song did not even have control of the Great Wall then. It was mainly under the control of the Kithan Empire) But who cares? It is just a film with big names, visual effect and plenty of violence.

Jian Tien is trully beautiful though her acting needs a lot of improvement.


Just came back from watching the movie. Box-office should not be a problem. I went for the 2.40 pm (Sunday) and the theatre was 90% filled.

The film, while not really a very creative one, is not as bad I thought. The script is acceptable, hilarious in parts, and the visual is impressive.

Jing Tin's acting is also very much improved and it is apparent she made a lot of effort.

As for the English language spoken by Jing Tin and Andy Lau, I would not make too much of a demand on that. After all, they were speaking as Chinese speaking a foreign lanuage. You should not expect listening to Queen's English.

I generally do not like films by Zhang Yimou (except his earlier ones) but I will give this one at least 60 marks out of a hundred. I got back the ticket's value at least, though I would hardly call it a GREAT film.


Their English is much better than Matt Damon's whatever the heck accent he's trying to do lol - I hate to say it but I thought Damon was the worst part of the movie...sounded like Tonto from the old Lone Ranger tv show!

And geez, same ending as Independence Day: Resurgence are you kidding me??


Seems to me the same type of popcorn like Independence Day 2 and Warcraft.


I hope it flops terribly.

I Sympathize with Lars Von Trier.


I am afraid you will be terribly disappointed. Up to yesterday, the box office (professional survey, not the nonsense figures floating around) in China alone is RMB 1.0 billion which comes to around US$0.7 billion roughly. Still not enough to cover the production cost but it is already the best selling movie during the Christmas and New Year holidays, so far. As comparison, Hacksaw Ridge got RMB 0.36 billion so far and it is already sagging.

I estimate the final box office for this film in China to reach between RMB 1.2 billion to 1.5 billion with an optimisstic high of 2.0 billion. In that case, it would be able more or less to recover the cost. Anything else (including international market ) is extra.

It is high risk and rumor has it that the Chinese are willing to invest so much not only because of Zhang but also because of the actress Jing-Tian who is a mysterious figure with lots of support. Still, I like her and wish her all success in her career.

It is not a GREAT film but a good entertainment movie which certainly justifies spending a few bucks viewing it. Don't expect a marvelous story but why do we have to be so serious all the time instead of having 104 minutes of fun. And, if you are not prejudicial, it IS Fun!


China alone will put the movie in the black. This movie will not be a failure. Maybe to westerners but guess what China's economy is growing. Some analysts say Chinese box office receipts will be larger then the U.S. Already they are the 2nd largest movie market.

Also this movie is meant for Chinese audiences. All of this Whitewashing stuff doesn't matter to Chinese. Only Chinese Americans..etc care about it. In the end Mainland Chinese just want a good popcorn flick that takes them away from their daily lives. That is what should really matter in the end.


Box office almost exhausted, and doubtful it has even broken even. But we aren't privy to the distribution deals.


Not necessarily.

If the film can stay till end of this month, it will be in time to capture the most important showing time: Chinese New Year. That would probably increase its box office by another 0.3-0.5 billion RMB.

Since it is still the number three among those films being shown in box-office, there is great possibility that it will not be taken down anytime soon. Besides, it is backed by the official filming company in China and no cinema owner would dare do anything to attract their displeasure.


Indeed. That displeasure would be terrible.

Keep singing this film's praises. I would hate for you to be shot, or simply disappear.


Don't worry. It's not THAT bad here. It is after all, not Morth Korea.


It is not THAT bad here. After all, it is not North Korea.

There are many openly negative responses from people who either do not like the genre, the idea of haveing white people as leads, or the actress (whom I like)on the internet and elsewhere and nobody gives a damn about it. The police here also has better things to do (as long as the messages are against the film itself and not against certain interest group)


Box Office in Taiwan for The Great Wall:

Up to 2nd Jan RMB 11 million (Ranked 1st)(3 days total)

In Hong Kong RMB 4 millilon (Ranked 1st)(3 days total)

So, not bad at all.


I hope it's a success because we need more Asian movie stars and so much more diversity in movies other than black and white.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


LOL, if thats the case for diversity casting, then you hope Rogue One works, coz this movie is as bad as Warcraft on a storytelling level, as bad as any CGI-fest blockbusters



And we need new elements into Chinese movies too.


Not necessarily.

If the film can stay till end of this month, it will be in time to capture the most important showing time: Chinese New Year. That would probably increase its box office by another 0.3-0.5 billion RMB.

Since it is still the number three among those films being shown in box-office, there is great possibility that it will not be taken down anytime soon. Besides, it is backed by the official filming company in China and no cinema owner would dare do anything to attract their displeasure.


In Indonesia.. This movie has been showing for days.. which means it's really success..
I've watched it, and the story wasn't really good, and I kept guessing what will happen next during the movie and all my guess was right..
it will be popular in Asia because people here really like action movie, good special effects and of course beautiful lady.. but Hollywood,I guess it will not be popular (or box office success)


Only the Chinese will like this.

The plot sounds like some insane drivel one would expect to see on the now-craptastic History Channel between the likes of "Ancient Aliens" and "Nazi UFOs".
