MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Season 1 and Season 2 Discussion

Season 1 and Season 2 Discussion

I haven't seen any posts here for episodes before Season 3. So, I wanted to start this thread to discuss episodes in Season 1 and Season 2.

I would like to start by posting my comments about this first-ever episode of the series, "The National Anthem."

I personally found this episode one of the worst things I've ever sat through, and I found it completely pointless. If anyone wants to talk about it, we can here.

I have all of Season 1, but after sitting through this first episode, I need some real encouragement that this series gets better!


I didn't think it was horrible but there are episodes that are much, much better. It's not a great episode to start with if you've never watched Black Mirror.

It was horrifying but it was supposed to be. What were your reasons for thinking it was the worst? What I found implausible was that he would actually go through with it due to fear of his safety. If he gives in to this demand, the kidnapper could have killed her anyway. It would open the floodgates for all sorts of demands. As the leader of a country it was a foolish thing to do.

But I think, as with most episodes of Black Mirror, we had to suspend this disbelief and assume they lived in a society where this was the only option.

It's important to understand about Black Mirror that it is largely thematic. We are supposed to think about the issues the episode is exploring, not take it too literally.


I just thought it was terribly stupid and had no point. The second that the kidnapped princess states the "demand," I just laughed. Then, knowing that this series is supposed to be really dark, I just knew that they were going to show it.

So, that was it for me. After that, it was just a lot of people yelling at each other, and waiting to get to the "act."

I'm glad that there are "much, much better" episodes. I will give Episode 2 a try.

Thanks for your feedback!


There are some gems in the series ,like other similar shows (Outer limits/twilight zone) not all episodes are palatable.


I've been watching this series out of order since the episodes are rarely connected. Start reading the synopsis of the episodes to see what ones you might like and go from there.


Okay, so I've completed watching all three episodes of Season 1. The episodes do get better (thank heavens!). The second better than the first, the third better than the second.

So, is the overall point of this series about how technology will screw us up in the near future?

Thanks, again, for your feedback.


It's not about the future as much as it is about a sort of alternate reality. It has a lot of "what ifs" and exploration of the inner darkness of human nature. Certainly not inspirational. :)


Agreed! Not uplifting for sure. :-)


the whole series is dark, unsettling and pessimistic
