MovieChat Forums > Room 237 (2012) Discussion > Proves Moon Landing Was Fake?

Proves Moon Landing Was Fake?

Of all the scenarios presented I like that one the most. Although I should add - doesn't mean I believe it.


There are two conspiracy theories I have extensively studied. The moon landing being faked and evolution is a hoax. I researched the moon landing close to 10 years ago so I don't have the answers on the top of my head but this is one conspiracy I would almost bet my life on is wrong, and we did go to the moon and it was the actual footage. First, I looked at what the conspiracy theorists had to offer in terms of evidence and arguments. Second I looked at the counter arguments and evidence. I would then try and see if the theorists had a counter to the counter argument and as far as I remember this was close to nothing. I would keep going back and forth until I was satisfied. Questions I had in my had were never addressed by the theorists (or I could not diff them) after some time looking at everything it was clear that the people who claimed the film of the landing was faked used pseudo science, and ignorance to convey their side of the argument. Arguments like there were no stars in the sky in pictures. or the Apollo had less tech then a t86 calc. The latter argument does nothing to show the moon landing was faked. It would be evidence if Apollo needed at least that tech to get to the moon and back but Apollo did not. But the theorists state nothing of the sort. Because it sounds nice and reasonable

"hey yeah, how could we achieve such a great thing getting to the moon if it didn't even have the tech of my calc. it makes sense that the moon landing was faked. surely with the moon being such a long distance away we must have needed a lot of tech to guide us there."
The argument plays on people's ignorance and there's a lot of the same type of argument in the moon hoax theories and in the creationist theories. I think the argument from ignorance is the main fallacy conspericies have in common. Some arguments might sound sensible amd reasonable on the surface but if you really want to get down to the bottom of whatever conspiracy, look up the arguments and counter arguments. then look at the counter arguments again and again until you are satisfied. Also it helps immensely if you can spot logical fallacies. I recommend reading This is an illustrated book of logical fallacies and is very easy

Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?


There are a couple of theories that kills all the lunar landing lies from NASA.

1. Radiation: from Van Allen Belt, from the Sun and from radiation off the moon. There is just no way they could have gone with the Saturn rockets, and minimal shielding and survived.

2. The Space shuttle program has never even approached the VAB, and even the ISS is still in low earth orbit.

3. As science, they havent disproved the conspiracy theorists by going back to the Moon, which means the landings could be a false positive.

No only that but they put a man on the moon within 2 years of the deaths of the 3 astronauts of Apollo 1, in 40+ years they could not repeat the SIX landings, yes 6 landings.....NASA reckons it will be another 20 years!!!




This for me was the silliest one of them. I like listening to everyones theories but this one is just to silly to be taken even a little serious. Kubrick, made a movie as a front just to explain to the world that he faked the moonlanding, and doing it by subliminal messages and hidden clues? Why would he do that. It's just silly.


Actually, three Astronauts died which is what Kubrik is telling you REDRUM.

Kubrick was a virtual recluse in his home in the UK, with a shotgun under his bed by many accounts?

Considering Eyes Wide Shut, butchered after Kubrick's mysterious death, and more importantly, what Kubrick was gonna do with AI (pedophilia)


Much as I used to "enjoy" the whole lunar conspiracy thing, it was shot down (for me) by dear old Patrick Moore (the long-time presenter of UK astronomy programme "The Sky at Night" who died in 2012) when he dismissed it by pointing out that there's some gizmo (I forget the name, dammit!) which the NASA astronauts placed on the Moon and which people use to calibrate their telescopes. He said this thing is undeniably there, and astronomers like himself use it all the time, and therefore it's bunk to say they never went. Moon rocks and other samples are also undeniable proof that we've been on the lunar surface.

So, these days, I believe that they did go to the moon but that some of the film / photos we're so familiar with was doctored, augmented, or (in some cases) outright faked - presumably because the real footage either wasn't usable or simply wasn't "impressive" enough.

None of which, of course, rules out Kubrick's (alleged) involvement in assisting NASA to get the "money shots" that they needed. These days we'd probably call it "Photoshopping" or "enhancement" - it doesn't mean the event being depicted never happened at all, just that the raw photographic material didn't quite sing as much as people hoped, so they give it a nudge into "augmented reality" territory.



Here's what I've always questioned. They say Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. "One small step for man"... But shouldn't the first person on the moon be the one that set up the camera that recorded those "first steps"?


The camera was on the side of the lunar module... it's not so difficult to understand...


The movie neither proves that the first visit to the moon was fake nor does it seem to intend to do so. It just asserts that the footage of the Apollo 11 landing was spoofed, a farce, but thereby also insinuates that the Apollo 11 landing may never have occurred.


The jump from Kubrick claiming 217 wasn't used at the hotel's request to "he faked the moon footage", because that proves he was a liar is utterly ludicrous.


I believe that the video of the moon landing was fake. The reason is because there has never been another like it since. Why is that? Why only go to the moon once just to take a video.

There's no video that good of other planets in our solar system. Even with the advanced technology that is present now, the photos and video from Mars currently doesn't look like that video of the Moon landing.
