MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > ITS OFFICIAL! Assassins Creed made it. ...

ITS OFFICIAL! Assassins Creed made it. Not a bomb! $212,778,967

And with China around the happy this good movie didn't flop because of false reviews from critics who did not pay attention to movie. Congrats 20th Century Fox! 

With a reported production budget of $125 million, current estimated worldwide figures suggest the film as earned $23,532,193 after the bills have been paid. (1/11/2017)



Yup!! Very good news indeed. This film is, by definition, an indie film (Ubisoft Motion Pictures is an independent film studio), so it is always nice to see a new studio with original ideas find their footing. :)


This movie is a turd. Critics and audiences both think it sucked. The only people who like this are the people who play the terrible games.


OMG is this a joke? LOL A. Creed is an embarrassing failure.


Ouch It's still a bomb

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


You must be delusional? This movie is a huge financial failure! It could have been epic, but it was just mediocre.


Have pre-ordered the Blu-ray.


I pre-ordered the 4K Blu-ray a week ago.


With a reported production budget of $125 million, current estimated worldwide figures suggest the film as earned $23,532,193 after the bills have been paid. (1/11/2017)

Not being funny, but doesn't industry convention require a film to earn more than double (or possibly 2.5 times) its budget to be validated as a success?
That'd be $250mil, even if it's just gross earnings, whereas this has only hit $148.5mil.... so far.


This "more-than-a-double" formula is so over-simplified, it's basically not true. First, from US, the studios keep a little more than a half from BO, from rest of the world, it's a little less and from China, it's only 25 %. Second, the movie costs more than just a production budget to make, there are also huge expenses for distribution and marketing. It is estimated, that a blockbuster with budget around 150-200 mil. takes about 400 mil. in overall to produce. Also, studios don't profit only from BO, but also from DVD and BR sales, streaming, TV rights, etc.

This being said, AC is still tens of millions of dollars short after theatre distribution, probably close to 100 mil., so it's still a flop. Only time will tell how well it will perform in other media.


Just read a little more - Apparently a 'Box Office Success' has to gross more than double the total budget (including distro, advertising, etc).

So after all that, any DVD sales and the like, broadcasting, etc all go toward more general/financial success rather than BO specifically.

But again, creative accounting and all that, which is why Star Wars is apparently still a financial flop and so never has to pay fees or (in many cases) actor salaries!


It's unbelievable what gets on the internet. The person who wrote that article for is another idiot who doesn't understand that the studio only keeps about a little over 50% of the domestic box office and less than 50% of the foreign box office so Asses Crap still is still around $25 million short of covering its budget after making $201 million worldwide.

China won't save it either as studios only keep 25% from China unless it does Warcraft business.


you'll get over it.


It does Warcraft business, one of the studios which financed Assassin's Creed, Alpha Pictures, is Chinese.

It only needs to grab $40 million from China to break. It is perfectly possible.

Nolan, I love you forever!


It will be interesting to see how well this movie does in Japan. The series is surely better known in Japan than in South Korea.


All it needs is 40 million more to be exact double. But already made its gross goal.


I will copy & paste my comment from higher up:

This "more-than-a-double" formula is so over-simplified, it's basically not true. First, from US, the studios keep a little more than a half from BO, from rest of the world, it's a little less and from China, it's only 25 %. Also, the studios have different percentages from opening weekends (when it could be close to 90 % in US) than at the end of the movie's theatre run. Second, the movie costs more than just a production budget to make, there are also huge expenses for distribution and marketing (mostly tv spots). It is estimated that a blockbuster with budget around 150-200 mil. takes about 400 mil. in overall to produce. It's very well possible that AC cost anywhere between 250 - 300 mil. to produce. On the other hand, studios don't profit only from BO, but also from DVD and BR sales, streaming, TV rights, merchandise etc. (although I don't think merchandise is in play for Sony. When talking about Star Wars or Marvel movies, merchandise sales take the profits to whole new level.)

This being said, AC is still tens of millions of dollars short after theatre distribution, probably close to 100 mil., so it's still a flop. Only time will tell how well it will perform in other media.


You forgot that Ubisoft gave a chunk of money for the movie. That is why it is not a flop.

Thanks for the insightful information about flops. Doesn't apply in this case.

Even if Ubisoft did not pitch in, it's still not a flop. This news article is more accurate than your personal thoughts, your just an IMDb user giving information about flops. You don't know the exact numbers where money was spent.


Thank you. I'm tired of these fans saying there will be a sequel to a film that cost 125M just to be MADE (and they lied about the real budget) and the worldwide gross is 212M. There is NO SEQUEL happening for Christ sake. Warcraft didn't get one and it grossed 200M more!!!


Did 20th Century Fox or Ubisoft tell you that there is no sequel? 


Reality did it =)


I guess you are working on economical side of film industry or something to back your statements?

Nolan, I love you forever!


No, this is a common knowledge for anyone interested in cinematography and movie industry.


The film's box-office needs to exceed its budget twice to break, or, by other words, start to become profitable. This is common knowledge.

Nolan, I love you forever!


No, it's a common myth. 150 mil budget movie doesn't automatically become profitable after grossing 300 mil.


Another factor to take into account with this specific movie is Ubisoft's goal of using it to promote game sales. How well it does in that regard will have a huge effect on whether Ubisoft judges the film as success or not.
