MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > 6,4? Are you guys serious?

6,4? Are you guys serious?

OK I just saw the movie. I am a fan of the game and I think it is a very good representation of the game to a movie. OK I think that animus hand thing was to much but that was a cinema trick . And the people who don't know anything from the story just see a video from YouTube that shows the storyline.
Don't put your negative vote just like that.


I totally agree and I'm not a gamer. I didn't expect much to be honest, but was pleasantly surprised. Beatifully filmed, great costumes and set design, very well paced. Fassbender is great in it and action sequences are fantastic. It's obviously not a great or perfect movie but it deserves a much higher score - I'm not a gamer but was able to figure out what's going on with ease. The music gave me goosebumps :)


Yes indeed. Music was fantastic.
Also the movie makes me want to see a sequel ASAP.


So excited to get the OST, it was just released on CD!! (I'm a square who wants it in lossless FLAC files rather than MP3, don't judge lol)

And I also need a sequel ASAP. This has so much potential, so many avenues to explore!!


Awful awful awful awful movie. So bad we walked out and that's rare for us. Totally unwatchable.


So is this comment as it didn't say anything other than your feelings -- and... that's not really what anyone else needs to grade the movie on......


The movie is bad, and you should feel bad.


First of all, huge LOL, meant as a compliment. but that being said, supply reasons why it was bad or ppl (including me) are gonna see this movie, can't expect ppl to buy into the hate for no raisin.


It's lucky it didn't get a lower rating that it deserves. The movie is garbage.


Agree a 100%.

A lot of the people here are defending it because it is "inspired" by a video game.

Yeah, well, so what?

Should that be a reason to cut it some slack?

I strongly disagree to this: Garbage is garbage, regardless.


Yeah, i've never played the game either but felt the action in this movie was very entertaining and thought Fassbender did a really nice job in the role. I left hoping for a sequel.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


For all the guys that think the movie is awful, what movie do you actually expected to see and what did you saw?


I just saw this Movie whith my Son and I gave it a 9 rating.Because it was a very very intertaining Movie


Key word is YOU think, and judging by the fact that the movie is at 6.4, it's unlikely that all those people rated it "just like that".
