MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > sorry, far, far better than tired Star W...

sorry, far, far better than tired Star Wars franchise

I went to see this flick and it was totally entertaining. It has a freshness that Star Wars cant compete with. Yes, the empire and the alliance are still fighting, we get that. And no longer care. Assassin's Creed is just better plus it has Marion Cotillard...what a beauty!!!! Put away your light sabers and stop praying to the force...Star wars is boring, lets give something new a chance.


I will admit I hated rogue one but I like the rest why get rid of star wars why not watch many different movies I also liked this movie




That garbled mess is hilarious, almost as funny as your dead ass account. You can't save Asses Crap, kid.


Im not trying to save you grandma


Do you have anything better to do than post on every topic on this board calling the movie Asses Crap?


You Sir are an idiot...

You are going around trying to call out posts, that you can clearly see have had
accounts for YEARS, and saying they are fake.

Yes, many times you see fake posts about a crap movie, but the accounts are always
as old as the movie, ALWAYS.


Wrong! Even The Phantom Menace is 10 times better than Assassins Creed.


I loved TFA but hated Rogue one, mostly becuase the latter had no interesting characters and therefore I didn't care what was happening. I am a fan of the AC games, and I know about the backstory and such, so I probably wouldn't be lost, but are the characters flat and bland as in Rogue One? Is this movie truly boring?


its actually very good indeed, far better than I expected. There is a good deal of suspense that tensed me up and Marion Cotillard alone is worth the price of admission...jeeze she is uber hot. Its a darn good movie and better by a long shot compared to the Rogue one movie which tried hard but was just to much of the same old thing. Assassins creed has a much superior cast which helps too. I liked the last Star Trek but Assasin's is the only one I would watch twice. Allied is a great movie too, to bad it never got much attention, its a good one


Ok obvious fanboy alert here


go play with your light spongebob is on


lol this is actually true.


This was way more fun than Rogue One, i'll give it that. Rogue One I don't think is trying to be fun though, which is what I think a lot of people are giving that movie *beep* for.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


Sorry but you're out of your mind. RO has action galore and a story. AC was terribly directed with murky camerawork.


yeah I bet it was tough to come up with that rebels vs the empire idea...


ITA with most of your statement. The only exclusion would be about Marion. As a female, I didn't really notice or care. There is only one or two actors I would watch regardless of the movie and the mainly act on TV. So, no, I didn't just think it was a good movie because of Fassbender or any other actor/actress.

I love action movies and enjoy it even more if it has a plot so this was a really good, entertaining movie for me.

I was a fan of the first SW trilogy back when it came out in the 70s. They are my favorites. The prequels were okay but the storylines were forced and lame at best, plus Jar Jar, ugh! Follow this series for most of the things I thought about the prequels.

Needles to say, I finally dragged myself to see Force Awakens and wish I hadn't. Talk about repetitive and forced plots/dialogues and just plain ugh! So absolutely no desire to see Rogue One. Assassins was definitely better IMO.

"Everybody creates what they fear most."


yeah, star wars is so plotless, just more senseless rebels vs empire would think they could at least nuke each other and get it over with


What u smoking?


guess what the rebels and the empire are at war!!!! can you believe how original that is??????????????


Doesn't matter because this is a certified bomb. There will not be another of this bad movie.


wrong, its making mega bucks internationally
