why the hate?

I thought this was a brilliant effort. It captured what made the games so exciting and playable yet still managed to be a strong story enough on its own. The action was great. I was on the edge of my seat with the Aguilar parts! The acting was great. The ending had me smiling. Best video game adaptation yet. I really hope there's a sequel!


I haven't played AC, but I am a gamer, and I recently finished The Saboteur, which has similar game mechanics. Sean Devlin can climb anything, jump between buildings and use cables, etc. As you can imagine, I enjoyed the rooftop sequences. There's even a part where the character jumps off the Eiffel Tower into a pool. I hope future films delve more into the historic context. It seemed like some parts were rushed. but I don't have a direct point of reference. Looking forward to the next one. The Saboteur (Pandemic's swansong) is set in Paris after the Nazi occupation, and it's more engaging than I thought it would be, if anyone is interested. It's a free download on Origin.


First of all: im a huge fan of the games.

It was always going to be hard to please both fans and the average movie go'er.

I think they managed to impress the latter rather than the first.

The movie is paper thin when it comes to story and dialogue.

It is saved by some nice fighting scenes and some special effects.

Thats it really.

The acting is nothing else than average as well.

Lets be honest here, stop giving it credit it does not deserve.

The movie would have not even been recognized had it not carried the

"Assasins Creed" concept.

All in all, they made an entertain movie for brain-dead people, but thats it.


Bit harsh! Tell me.. As we are both fans of the franchise, what could they have done better? I am interested to know aswell what films you are usually into?
