MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > So the Crusades are bad and the spread o...

So the Crusades are bad and the spread of Islam is good?

I've not seen the film but I hear that in the usual Hollywood history rewriting the Crusades, who prevented Islam sweeping over Europe, are bad and the Muslims, who had ransacked their way across the middle east, North Africa, Spain and to the gates of Vienna, are all good?

Small moves Ellie, small moves


this and the forced diversitah are the top reasons I don't watch hollywood movies any more.


The Crusades were bad.


Pope: Kill and get to Heaven!


Islam: blow yourself up and slaughter innocent bystanders and not only go to heaven, but get a batch of virgins to boot!

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


The Crusaders just like the Jihadists were nothing but paid goons who would kill their own mother. You think any of the jihadists actually believes in religion? They're claiming they love Muslims and Islam, yet slaughter the Muslims by the thousands. It's the same with the Crusaders who slaughtered Middle Eastern Christians and European Christians who didn't agree with them. They were/are mercenaries or psychos that are frustrated. Crusading was a business and so is jihadism. Al Qaeda runs like a company.


Yes, the Crusades were bad. That doesn't mean all the tenets of Islam are good, nor does it mean that all Muslim people are decent. The world is grey, not black and white.

Catch me when you can, Mishter Lusk.


The Crusades didn't prevent Islam from sweeping Europe. They were nothing but European mercenaries protecting European conquests in Middle Eastern lands. They slaughtered Middle Eastern Christians too. The Arab Muslims got the support of the Arab Chrsitians, Levantines and Egyptians. Now, that's not no to saw that Islam is without sin. No, it was brutal, just like Christianity. The Assassins however, were enemies of both. They were Ismaili Muslims who assassinted both Sunni Muslims and Crusaders who wronged them or tried to invade them.


Throughout the series, it has become pretty clear that atheism is heavily promoted among the assassins and is apparently mandatory for the Templars/Abstergo. Neither entity has the goal of spreading religion. In the case of Abstergo, their plan would eventually result in the elimination of religion.

The real assassins were Nizari Ismailis (who viewed Salah ad-Din as a major enemy), but the version of the assassin movement in the series has very large differences from the organization that existed in the real world.


Everybody there was bad.
The Assassins were and are, no surprise, murderers. The Templars not any better.

And no, no one was good there. Muslims weren't highlighted. The Christians however were displayed as the ones who burn ppl alive.
Well, they did.
Don't do anymore. ^^

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


Not all Germans were violent during WWII. Not all Japanese citizens were violent during WWII. But that didn't stop us from protecting ourselves from the ones that were.

Violent Muslims are driving through crowds in France and Germany and killing people. Violent Muslims are shooting up nightclubs in Turkey. Violent Muslims are blowing up children in Syria. Not all Muslims are violent, but we need to protect ourselves and our children from the ones that are.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


Catholicism did come off the most negative but I can't blame the movie for telling the truth. I had to think about it awhile but the Assassins didn't cate about The crusades or Muslims or Catholics, they wanted the apple away from the Templars. It was confusing because it was called the Apple of Eden and that conjures up religious ideas.
I don't recall there being many Muslims in the movie and the 2 that were, the adult was described as weak.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers



"Every single year Christians cause exponentially more deaths in racially motivated crimes than all combined deaths of Islamic terror attacks in all the years since 9/11."

Show me an attack where the perpetrator shouts "Viva Cristo Rey" before blowing people up.
In 2016 alone, 60,000 christians were killed all over the world because of their faith, most of them by muslims.

If yuo are gonna mix regular crimes commited in "christian majority countries", you have to do the same for the muslim world. How many murders are commited in muslim majority countries with no relation to religion?

Q: What happens if you get a gigabyte? A: It Megahertz!



We already do.


There's nothing in the film that glorifies Islam but the Christians are very much antagonistic.
This is pretty much straight out of the games, though - and the games state that all religion is *beep* not just Christianity.
There are arabic protagonists but as members of the Assassin's they do not possess Islamic beliefs.

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