MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Does anyone else think Marion Cotillard ...

Does anyone else think Marion Cotillard is kinda bland?

So, I rewatched 'The Dark Knight Rises' (2012) the other week, and, while it isn't a perfect film, though I don't think it deserves the hate it gets. There is one thing that bothers me about the movie, and one of them is Cotillard as Miranda Tate.

I don't know what it is, she was just so bland, her face was very smug most of the time, and her line delivery didn't bring any emotional depth or intensity to her role. Plus, not to mention I noticed the same thing in 'Inception' (2010), another Nolan directed movie.

Any other movie like 'Rust & Bone', she's fine, but not outstanding. I don't know what it is, I'm just not a fan of the way she acts.

Am I the only one who thinks she's kinda one-note?


I don't find her bland in Inception, I think she is good in that film. I think that Miranda Tate was a bad role in The Dark Knight Rises and that nobody could have elevated it. I do think that she is a better actor when speaking in her native tongue and those are the roles she's Oscar nominated for. So I do agree with certain people who think that she gets a little bit Lost in Translation in english speaking roles but I still don't think that she is bland in them.

I thought she was very good in Rust and Bone by the way.


Marion Cotillard, "Born: September 30, 1975 in Paris, France".

In Inception (2010), she was ~6 years younger: so, about 40-years-old - which is, kind of, the maximum (isn't it). The mistake was to cast her character as a "British doctor", AKA Amanda Pays, as Christina McGee, in The Flash (1990–1991).

This attempt to make something commercial (and acceptable to many) is what they thought will make it more successful. Let's hope that it doesn't bother many, as much as it bothers me! xD

*the cliche, meh

Edit: Called it "a mistake", because not everyone is Naomi Watts and able to play a sexy grandmother. ;D:D

(err, although I LOVE HER, ever since Taxi (1998)! :))


NO She’s a lovely woman and one of the greatest actress in the world
Cate Blanchett gave you a great answer on Marion Cotillard in ‘Rust and Bone’


I liked her since La Vie en Rose. Very good actress.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.


I only saw her in Midnight in Paris, The Dark Knight and Inception. So far I feel like she was playing the same character, she always brings sadness to her characters...
Any movie where she plays a completely different person? Like some really crazy funny or dramatic role with more emotion?


You should watch "Love me if you dare" and "La vie en rose". She's also pretty good in "Two days, one night" and "Rust and bone".


Any movie where she plays a completely different person? Like some really crazy funny or dramatic role with more emotion?

Taxi (1998)
Les jolies choses (2001)
Jeux d'enfants (2003)
Un long dimanche de fiançailles (2004)
Dikkenek (2006)
A Good Year (2006)
La môme (2007)
De rouille et d'os (2012)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
The Immigrant (2013)
Deux jours, une nuit (2014)
Macbeth (2015)
Allied (2016)


Never liked her from the start since the John Dillinger movie and she's still mediocre.


Lol she's the only one who shines in Public Enemies.


she is the goddess of sexy women...she is venus...she is just a lovely piece of female humanity she is proof that God exists...I like her


I can't recall her other roles, which I suppose speaks for itself. She was very bland in this film, yes; her banter with Fassbender felt very wooden.

Catch me when you can, Mishter Lusk.


She's actually the only one that rises above material in this movie. All reviews, even rotten ones, acknowledge that.


You forgot sarcasm tag. Here you go: </sarcasm>
Honestly I never knew this lady existed. So boring, so wooden, so forgettable.


That's supposed to be a sarcasm right. What a boring joke you are.


You forgot sarcasm tag. Here you go: </sarcasm>

Nolan, I love you forever!


Bland, boring, lame.. whatever you want to call it, makes no F difference to me as from the beginning I've been clearly looking at other actress than everyone who're praising her. She puts up the stupid, irritating smile on her face and says some dumb stuff with her incredibly annoying voice whole the time. Am I supposed to take her seriously?


I don't find her bland, I just couldn't understand half of what she said in ASSASSIN'S CREED (I had no trouble understanding her in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, so perhaps it is an accent thing?), and I actually liked her better in it than I did in TDKR, because in TDKR she just wasn't Al Ghul enough for me, as I remember the comics character always seeming to loom large and to be someone who was believable as the child of Liam Neeson, while Cotillard just never seemed that way. (I always figured, from the comic books, that Talia Al Ghul would be one of those people who just radiated danger, intrigue, intelligence, and power, that she would be like a storm in a room full of strawmen.) But I thought she was good in CREED, she just needed to either speak up or enunciate a bit more clearly. I understood the Aguilar-era scenes better than I understood Cotillard. (Granted, that could also be an issue with the editing, they may have done a poor job in the audia layering/etc.)

"There is still hope." - Arwen
