MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Would Video Game Adaptations Do Better a...

Would Video Game Adaptations Do Better as TV/Mini Series?

This was a question that instantly popped into my mind as I exited Assassin's Creed (6.8/10).

I'm curious as to what you all think about the idea of a video game being transferred onto the silverscreen. Do you think that video game adaptations are fine in theaters? Or do you think that these adaptations would succeed better on television/Netflix?

Also, if any of you could adapt a video game into a live adaptation, which game (franchise) would you all want to adapt?



I agree.

Halo, Gears of War, Half Life & others will do well as mini series.


I think so. It's very hard to adapt 20+ hour games into a 2 hour movie, and be faithful to the source material.


Depends on the game. Mortal Kombat was adapted into a live TV show successfully. Don't think you could do the same with Mario Bros.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.


Also depends on who you market it to. Rabbids Invasion has been going for 3 seasons now, and I bet Mario could make a TV comeback if it was also marketed towards kids. I would say almost every video game would be better suited as a TV series rather it be a kids show with simpler characters like those, or if it was a more plot driven series. I think Ratchet & Clank could have been much more successful as a TV show than a movie, as most story driven video games have so much going on that would be hard to fit it all into 2 hours.

That being said, I find shooter games are the most suitable for adaptations as you can file the story and action down and still keep most if not all the important details. Games like Titanfall, Call of Duty or Battlefield could make for interesting movies, whereas games like Tomb Raider, God of War and Halo would be better on TV


I'd say it depends on the game/game series in question. There are plenty where the quantity of material is so massive that movie adaptations are hard to do. These would be more suited for television/Netflix. This would likely be the case with Red Dead Redemption and possibly Metal Gear Solid as well. However, there are some games that have short plots and in theory should work on the silver screen if done correctly.

One problem with video game-based movies is that, even if the quality is decent or the movie is liked by gamers, the financial risks seem to be considerable and often disproportionate. At least in the near future, even good ones are going to have a hard time attracting a huge audience. Maybe the growing importance of Chinese audiences will start to change that, though. Anyone who undertakes the challenge of creating a movie based on a video game should have restrained expectations for how high it will gross in the U.S.


That's an interesting perspective :)

Usually, the conversation directs itself towards writing and timing. I never really thought of the financial side of video game adaptations, and how that plays a role in the success/failure of an adaptation.

At least in the near future, even good ones are going to have a hard time attracting a huge audience

With Assassin's Creed, I do feel that the little promotion effected the income. I hadn't seen or heard anything relating to the movie, following the release of the first trailer, until the second trailer came out, then the final one. There was very little promotion done -- it wasn't at Comic-Con or gaming conventions -- and it might have effected the box office.


@zantium, dude MGS would be so dope. Especially if they did Snake's flashbacks correctly. I'd be on board. *tips hat* ^+1


I was thinking the same thing. However, it's also gonna take a studio to grow a pair and create an authentic adaptation. While the movie was close, it wasn'the as gritty or dark as the AC games. I thought studios would learn when Deadpool blew the roof off. Just stop worrying about "PG-13 is more accessible". Create authenticity, and people will buy in. I do believe AC would be better served as a series to answer your question.


YES YES YES! Do you know how many times I posted this here?!

Please someone write a letter to UBISOFT and tell them about NETFLIX!!!!!


Some are, although I'm not sure assassin's creed is one of them though. They just blew it by trying to explain something to the audience they don't care about, Should have been maybe 40 minutes out of the animus in the entire movie.


I want to see Bioshock made as a movie and Fallout as a series, Deadspace would make a great movie as well.


Very nice suggestion.
Some video games have excelent stories and could probably only work lile this.
Some can work as movies but they dont need an elaborated story behind.

My dreams are for adapting Blizzard universe (Diablo, Starcraft) Elder Scrolls universe
