MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Disney paid people to troll the movie as...

Disney paid people to troll the movie as well as reviewers to *beep* on it

It's really the only explanation to the fact that the movie is only getting very positive or very negative responses

Few studio offerings of this scale so proudly express the violence of their creative process, so openly confront their genetic makeup in order to become something better than what was written for them. Declaring “Assassin’s Creed” to be the best video game movie ever made is the kind of backhanded compliment that sounds like hyperbole, but the description fits the bill on both counts. Regardless of what you call this peculiar, arrestingly uninviting nonsense, the fact of the matter is that it’s the only blockbuster of 2016 that left me desperate for a sequel.

all the people on this discussion board who are saying "everyone hates it, it's *beep* it's garbage, bleh, don't watch it"

I think they were paid to troll. fact is the majority of reviewers at least enjoyed the film, and it has an 8.5/10 from the audienced


Or a more believable scenario would be that the movie actually sucks and the only good reviews you are reading have been paid for, which is always the case with big studio movies these days, marvel, disney etc...
Although I find your power of denial rather amusing. Chin up kid.


....the only good reviews you are reading have been paid for, which is always the case with big studio movies these days, marvel, disney etc...

Evidence needed.


WB, Marvel's "rival" owns RT. Why would Marvel pay their rivals to give Marvel good reviews and DC (which WB owns) bad reviews?


im not paid to troll. the movie isn't good. hardly any of it is in the animus, maybe 30% or so. Which is terrible. It was just a flat out boring adaption of a good video game. It's a shame.

Dont waste your monies on it


It really was a bad movie but I knew what to expect with it being a video game movie adaptation. When he took off his shirt and stayed shirtless throughout the rest I was like...holy *beep* this is so bad. lol


Haha! Do you think the earth is flat too?

"Think of it. 90% of the population united against a common enemy. We'll be unstoppable!"


Grow up, the US landed on the moon in 69, Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy, and Disney is not paying off reviewers. The internet has given everyone a voice, and we chose to use that voice to make total morons of ourselves to people we've never physically met.

Always remember to read the small print, it helps avoid confusion.


Disney paying people off? Is that excuse still a thing? I just came from the movie and as a fan of the games I can confidently say, that movie sucked. That was not a good movie. So much talent in the movie was absolutely wasted (and it had nothing to do with the PG-13 rating). My friend whom has not played the games also hated it. I wanted to love this movie but wow I'm actually shocked by it's quality. But i'm not going to ramble into a long a review about it.

But that's just my opinion!


LOL blame the PG13 instead

I voted Star Wars a 5 out of 10 i thought it sucked ass.

But this is worse.


LOL blame the PG13 instead

Um that wasn't even close to the problem. Never once during the movie did I what would have saved the film is an R rating. PG-13, R, PG, NC-17, it doesn't matter, this movie suffered from a bad script, surprisingly poor direction, and great stunts that were masked by bad editing, horrible filters and a lot of CGI smoke. No amount of blood and gore was going to save it. Picking on the rating is one of the most superficial critiques of the film. Yes I know the game is M but it's not like there is a ton of blood in it. The ESRB and the MPAA rate a little differently.


Perhaps they're genuine negative reviews/comments and you're being paid to discredit them.

...then whoa, differences...


Ah, I was waiting for the conspiracy nutters to show up.

Popcorn anyone?

Kind of ironic you're complaining about rates, when you rate movies nothing but either a 1 or a 10.


NAH Not when that many critics hate it. Most of them probably didn't get it. The only movie I've seen this year critics were TOO HARD on is WARCRAFT however even it being as good as it was it just didn't have enough character building and story element to GROUND it as an EPIC film. This movie screams $$MONEY$$ and was never made for the fans but for a studio grab. Sad sad sad :"(
