
Is it just me or is the trailer cringeworthy. It's the first time I've seen a trailer for a video game adaptation that seems to keep non fans at arms length, guess you have to have played the games for it to appear good just looked bad and full of nonsense


It's just you.

Nolan, I love you forever!


My brother and I are gamers and AC fans, and are (of course) excited and impressed by the trailers. My parents, however, are NOT gamers and know nothing about the AC franchise/story. But both of them are just as impressed and excited as we gamers are. So much so that they both said they'd rather go see this twice and wait to see Rogue One on Bluray. (We're all Star Wars fans, so that's high praise.)

So, they are an example of a normal audience who do like the trailers. Please know that I'm not at all trying to invalidate your opinion- if that's how you feel, then that's cool! Just providing a counterexample since you asked :)



Good to hear! Excitement to the max!! :D


The trailers are fine. It's just the music choice that's a bit off.


What were your thoughts on Warcraft's trailers then since they were gawdawful?

The villainy you teach me I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.


AC are great games but this stinky movie sucks ass, pg13 too.


I think this is a perfect example of film where the fans are brainwashed into liking the trailer because it's an adaptation of their favourite game. Come in it was awful, some machine activates a dudes past life. All the trailers were dumb. And to the guy who said he's going to wait for Rogue One on blu-ray and watch this in theatres, good luck with that I'm sure you'll kick yourself later. The bad reviews sum it up pretty good.


The trailer looked bland and generic, just like a video game cut-screen.
Certainly not enough to entice me to a cinema to see it.
Can't say I ever was excited by a movie adaptation of the game when it was a announced anyway, as the game is highly overrated.

Bring Back Dredd sequel Facebook page:


A lot of people thought the trailer was unengaging.

"You'll have to speak up I'm wearing a towel"
