MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > "One of the worst films of the year"- Co...

"One of the worst films of the year"- Collider's John Campea, who...

...was looking forward to this and Warcraft, saying they'd elevate the film's based on video games. He actually didn't hate Warcraft but he says "This movie is a bag of *beep* !! No, seriously, AC is a horrible movie".

He gave it a 2/10, saying it was boring, bland, and the characters were also dull. He was hoping they'd be interesting and cool but they sucked.

Remember when ninja_coola said this would get 70% on RT? 


Well if you knew that this film was going to be bad, why waste your time on here. You do realise that you've wasted your time being pessimistic about this film don't you?


Oh sorry, didnt know this was a fan page. Wait no it's not.

Is it a waste of time for people to voice their disapproval for a product? Voicing disapproval for a political figure? I am not wasting my time in being vocal about films I do want vs films I do not want. That's how creators adapt, kid. Learn how business, supply and demand works. Hollywood is a business. If a supplier doesn't know that their product is objectively bad, they won't change it. That's 1st grade so educate yourself.


You're right. I didn't know what I was thinking.


Heh, I knew I smelled crap.


So... You haven't watched the film yet then?


So... You haven't watched the film yet then?
No, that's why I quoted another guy's opinion. Did you have trouble following along with that?


But what if when you will actually watch it... you'll love it? Um? That is still possible. I imagine how bad you will feel for yourself. And I won't feel sorry for you at all.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Don't count on it, kiddo.


Are you Burnem888? If not, why are you answering on the question which wasn't directed to you?

Nolan, I love you forever!


The concept of a public message board goes right over your head, huh, kiddo. Hey, maybe that's why you think crap is great.


Are you officially stalking me since now? *beep* off!

Nolan, I love you forever!


Quid pro quo, kiddo. And since now? Your Eng-gleesh, it not so good, no?


I got it already: you're an idiot. Keep doing what you do.

Nolan, I love you forever!


You didn't understand a word I said, now did you, kid. Comphrensive English (or Latin) doesn't work well in Google Translate, huh. No wonder you like trash.


So, along with being a moron and idiot, you're a language Nazi as well. Great. You've really reached a new bottom.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Only when it's ironically funny, kiddo. But tell us all again how you're "hightly" intelligent.


What is ironically funny is your obsession with my persona, squalor.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Squalor is a noun, kiddo. Did Google Translate pump that out for you.


I meant it. You are a real squalor in terms of your non-existent brain.

Nolan, I love you forever!


If only you knew how ironic that garbled sentence was. Or what toliet paper was for. Or what a good movie actually entailed.


Who the f is john campea and who gives a damn what he thinks? Are you incapable of making your own decisions? You need some idiot to tell what to watch?


Who the f is john campea
A reviewer who was looking forward to this film.
and who gives a damn what he thinks?
he does.
Are you incapable of making your own decisions?
I didn't say I agree with him, genius.
You need some idiot to tell what to watch?
to be honest I think YOU are an idiot but no, I wasn't going to watch this movie anyways.

Any more questions you need answered or are you good?


If you wasn't going to watch this movie then why are you on this board making threads about some idiot's opionion? Answer that question, you moron.


If you wasn't going to watch this movie then why are you on this board making threads about some idiot's opionion
I decided from the first full trailer that I wasn't going to see this film, not because of a reviewer. I do not like the look of the product the studio carelessly created. I am voicing my opinion here because unless a business (yes, the film industry is a business) knows their product is crap, they will keep giving you crap. The reviwer's opinion serves to reinforce the fact that it isn't guys looking for Citizen Kane who don't like this movie. Capiche?

EDIT: also, how exactly is the reviewer "some idiot"? He has sound logic as to why he didn't like the film and states explicitly he has been looking forward to this film since it entered production. Oh I get it, because he saw the film and you don't like his opinion despite not seeing the film, he's an idiot  get over it, kid, this isn't a fan page.
Answer that question, you moron
I answered your grammatically retarded question and spoon fed you the obvious answer, kid. Anything else? I get it, you're lashing out like a child because your movie sucks. Don't blame me and don't cry because not everyone is going to agree with you.


You put way more effort and thought into your answer than that jackass put into his question. These kind of films tend to attract morons, but Asses Crap must be putting off an ultrasonic beacon that's drawing every inbred village idiot on the planet.


Another pathetic retard on this board. Get a life, you imbecile.


You are lashing out like a child/imbecile just because people are talking about the film maybe not being good. Very sad, you must be so so upset. Does it hurt? Does it huuuuuurt? 


It wasn't your opinion though was it, you imbecile. You repeated what some idiot reviewer said. You can't even decide for yourself what movie you want to watch. How pathetic are you?

Your life must be so sad. I feel sorry for you.

I never said that this movie was bad or good. At least I can decide for myself. I have been saying for months that I had low expectations for this movie. Unlike you! You read some idiot review and felt the need to come to this and cry about the movie being bad. What kind of pathetic idiot are you?

I like to see you write something in dutch, you pathetic moron. I bet you couldn't even write a single word.


It wasn't your opinion though was it, you imbecile
I didn't say it was.
You repeated what some idiot reviewer said.
Nope, I reported it. To repeat would be to copy and say I agree with him, but I already said I didn't. Learn to read.
You can't even decide for yourself what movie you want to watch. How pathetic are you?
As stated in the very post you responded to, yes, I decided after seeing the first trailer that I was not going to see the film. Learn to read, kid, you need an education.
Your life must be so sad. I feel sorry for you
My life is great, I spend it with friends, family, and sometimes I watch good movies. Not crap ones like you. You must be so sad when people don't like a movie you already think is good despite not seeing it, you call them idiots. How very pathetic, you can't handle people thinking differently.

I never said that this movie was bad or good
Neither did I, I said another guy who saw the movie did.
I have been saying for months that I had low expectations for this movie. Unlike you
Wrong, I've had low expectations for months as well.
You read some idiot review and felt the need to come to this and cry about the movie being bad
How is it an idiot review if he uses sound logic and what indication did I give you that I'm crying? I'm simply telling the truth: bad reviews are pouring in. Your reaction is indicative that you are so pathetic you cannot handle the truth being said.  

I like to see you write something in dutch, you pathetic moron. I bet you couldn't even write a single word
A) I do not live in Holland, I live where English is spoken. B)If you suck at English thats fine, but you sound like an idiot calling others idiots. C) How much would you like to bet, infant child?


You pathetic liar! You did say it was your opinion. You should read your own damn post.

My english is a hell of a lot better than your dutch.

You haven't been on this board for months. I have never seen a single post made by you. You're one of those pathetic idiots who visits boards just to try and get other people mad. You're such a pathetic loser. I'm done with you. Go bother someone else.


You pathetic liar! You did say it was your opinion. You should read your own damn post
I just did. Looks like you're still wrong and I'm still right.

My english is a hell of a lot better than your dutch
And my English is a hell of a lot better than your English. I bet I speak better Russian than you
You haven't been on this board for months
I didn't say I've been on this board for months, i said ive had low expectations for this film since months ago. Your reading comprehension is terrible, kid. You need an education.
You're one of those pathetic idiots who visits boards just to try and get other people mad. You're such a pathetic loser. I'm done with you. Go bother someone else.
I'm not trying to get anyone mad, you're just very sensitive to other people's opinions. I think my posts made you cry, in fact. Go cry somewhere else, kid.


There isn't a single language that you're better at than me. I doubt that you even had an education. I bet you dropped out of school and started working when you were 15 years old.

Why do you hate AC so much? Weren't you allowed to buy the games?

It's Obvious you're just some pathetic little boy. Only little children call other people kid on IMDB.


You still here? I see I must have gotten under your skin considering you said you were done but you keep coming back for more 

Sorry, kid I'm not here to debate what languages I'm clearly better at speaking than you. It's heresay anyways.

I bet you dropped out of school and started working when you were 15 years old.
Your infantile attitude is really reaching its peak now, isn't it?

Why do you hate AC so much?
I don't, and never said I did.
Weren't you allowed to buy the games?
I was.

It's Obvious you're just some pathetic little boy. Only little children call other people kid on IMDB
So according to your own logic, you're a little child   


I never said you were a little 'kid'. I said you were a little boy and a child. Learn to read! I guess they didn't teach that at the redneck academy?


"Child" is synonymous with "kid," I guess you need a new English lesson 


Keep telling yourself that.



I'm done with you. Go bother someone else.

So in Dutch does I'm done with you mean I'm going to keep bitching like a pussy.


Keep telling yourself that.
I and everyone else on earth who isn't as stupid as you will keep telling ourselves that 


You really are a pathetic moron. Go post some pathetic threads on a different board.


Go post some pathetic threads on a different board
And if I dont? You gonna make me or what?


This movie is a failure, everyone knows that by now. Those who don't know will find out soon enough once they spend their cash and watch this bantha poodoo.


Those living in true denial will defend it until a month or two goes by and they realize it is truly such a "nothing" of a film.


This from the guy who gives Man of Steel a pass? You KNOW this movie really really sucks.




Warcraft was an utter piece of turd, you fanboys need to acknowledge this by now. It only barely had a success in china because chinese are absolutely clueless or were trying to find a new goldselling mechanics from game.

Same goes for AC, no one will EVER, NEVER remember these movies in near future. They are terrible *beep* up movies that only desperate fanboys try to defend here and there.

