Guarenteed to bomb?

What do you guys think? Warcraft, though pounded out $433 million,still kind of bombed, and it wasn't really well received at all. (Personally I really enjoyed the film.) The marketing for this film is average. I haven't seen any where near the amount of marketing a movie like this should get. And with it being a video game adaption, its almost set up to fail. Fassbender is a fantastic actor, but does he have enough star power to single-handedly bring in more viewers? The director, Justin Kurzel is a fine director, and I believe he can make this film very good, but I really don't think AC will make a huge impact at the box office, especially when it's competing with Rogue One, and Passenger, a Chris Pratt & Jennifer Lawrence sci-fi flick. I DO hope it surprises me, and changes the success of video game adaptions, but it will take a lot.


This movie will be what spider-man (2002)&co was for comic book movies back then. It's gonna be the Gateway to good video game movies.


I don't know if it will be another failed video game adaptation, but it will lose against Rogue One and Passengers. They should have pushed the worldwide release date.


Passengers marketing is nonexistent


And it (Passengers) had issues which culminated in apparently completely scrapping and reshooting the film's ending. Go take a look at that film's message boards and you'll find plenty of people saying that film is doomed too.

Rogue One is the real competition, and I honestly wish them both success. It's hard to know how well Rogue One will do, as Forbes explained in that recent article about how that film is an unknown and totally new thing.


but it will lose against Rogue One

Rogue One looks to be about 10x better the The Force Awakens. Flame on fan boys if I speak heresy. I just wished they went back to the original title "Star Wars: Rogue One". "A Star Wars Story" sounds a tad pretentious.

Ladies and gentlemen...Mr.Conway Twitty


This article is very good.

This one too.

I see AC heading the same way. Maybe it will gross even less because of competition and the crap marketing.


The director said the numbers they're using is wrong


Of course he will. Just like studios lied about the true budget for Batman v Superman and X-Men Apocalypse. The thing is: Warcraft cost 160M to make plus 110M to promote. It needed twice that to break even but it grossed 100M less. That's a failure.


The figures thr and forbes like to use are wrong sometimes, recent example being Suicide Squad. The way the international market and deal works for this movie is quite different and complex. THR reported it being 15M in loss, no one has a damn clue but the people in production.


Sometimes. Producers also lie a lot about costs when they have a bomb in their hands.


Indeed. I will be very surprised if they are able to make a profit. Their 200 million budget is ridiculously high. Especially considering it's a video game adaptation. It's a huge gamble.


It's a shame that it's going up against Rogue One... that is going to seriously hurt it. Hopefully it does well enough, it looks good so far.


If it will take a lot, I think they are ready to give a lot. And not only Fassbender has a star power in this cast. You forget about Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons. Their names are also on the movie's poster (not on the net posters, but on the ones in movie theaters).

No, it won't bomb.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Both Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Patt are bigger box office draws than Fassbender. I think AC is going to lose against both Rogue one and Passengers. They will lose a lot of money because of it.


Actually, none Lawrence or Pratt's films grossed so much money because of them. If you check all of them out, you'll see that I'm right. While Fassbender is generating half of the hype on AC right now.

Nolan, I love you forever!


More assumptions based on absolutely nothing. Stop pretending as if everything you assume is right. You're wrong. Accept it and deal with it.


It's not an assumptions, it's facts. And I'm right. Accept it and deal with it.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Again with the incomprehensible nonsense!! What are you even trying to say?

All you do is make stupid assumptions. You're a pathetic little obsessed fassbender and cotillard fanboy, who feels the need to go to other boards and spread lies. Get a life and get a proper education!



I agree with everything you said.


Cgi ? Assassin's Creed has very very few cgi. Almost 80% is non cgi.

AC will beat passengers no sweat


FAILbender's numbers (Even with small arthouse/indie films) have been dreadful (Only saved for his ensemble tentpoles). Mainstream audiences simple don't care him as lead!


The movie needs to be an absolute classic to succeed. 10/10, five stars, whatever.

This needs to be The Dark Knight, or Mad Max: Fury Road.

If it is anything less than a tremendous movie, I think it will end-up like Prince of Persia. The movie somehow feels the same from the trailers - OK, but there isnt anything there to really draw people in.

Laura:You left a dead prostitute buried alone in the desert?
Kyle:She's not alone.


Time for a trite argument, but one that is only trite because film-makers don't seem to get it yet. AC will likely bomb if it isn't rated 15/R, because anything less ensures kid-friendly violence, which will cause such a decrease in quality that ticket sales will inevitably plummet. Deadpool would have went the same way were it not 15 because of a lack of swearing (we all saw Origins), and non-violent sword-fighting could be this movie's kiss of death in the same way.

"All these squares make a circle."


Deadpool's budget was nearly $50 million. Assassin's Creed's budget is $200 million. There is a difference.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Yes, there is, and I'm fully aware that there is, but that doesn't invalidate my point. Deadpool would have been a success even if its budget had been $200 million, given that it's brought that back almost four times over.

"All these squares make a circle."


Deadpool didn't have Rogue One: A Star Wars Story breathing on its back.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Noone forced Fox to choose this release date. It's because of their own stupidity that they will lose money to Star Wars.


You seem determined to prove a point, but I can't work out what that point is or why I should care about it.

"All these squares make a circle."


My point is that if Deadpool was a successful (commecially) R-rated movie, it doesn't mean that Assassin's Creed can be rated R and be a successful (commercially) movie as well. Is it that difficult to understand?

Nolan, I love you forever!


You seem to be under the allusion that I stated directly that Assassin's Creed will not fail if the movie is rated 15/R. I did not. I said it most likely will fail if it is not given that rating. I did not explicitly say the exact opposite.

Deadpool is an example of film-makers getting it right in this context, and nothing more.

Edit - To simplify: the movie could still fail if rated 15/R. I merely guarantee that it will definitely bomb at the box office if it's rated anything lower than that. That's all I meant.

"All these squares make a circle."


It's rated 15 in UK.

I'm not sure that Assassin's Creed needs R rating. Deadpool was rated R for nudity and dirty language, and I'm not sure that Assassin's Creed needs either of them. Blood and violence can be the only reason. BUT some violence is allowed in PG-13 films as well (watch The Dark Knight, if you didn't), and blood wasn't so widely used in this games, if you'll look closely.

Nolan, I love you forever!


The main reason Deadpool was rated R was because of the violence and all the blood. He chopped of his own hand and it was hilarious!!

There is blood in ALL the AC games and there should be blood in the movie. The fight in the trailer looks really fake and weird. She stabs two guys, but there is not a single drop of blood? It looks unrealistic and it breaks immersion.


If so, I'm glad to hear it, but we've given off some soft 15 ratings recently, like Suicide Squad. I'll wait until I see it in case my hopes are dashed.

You're right - some violence is allowed, but not bloody violence like we'll see in real sword-fights, so seeing 'comic book' action like in TDK and in MCU movies isn't something I'm interested in. I want it to be realistic, not kid-friendly. The games get a pass because of graphical limitations. They still have blood, even if it's not completely realistic.

"All these squares make a circle."
