Guarenteed to bomb?

What do you guys think? Warcraft, though pounded out $433 million,still kind of bombed, and it wasn't really well received at all. (Personally I really enjoyed the film.) The marketing for this film is average. I haven't seen any where near the amount of marketing a movie like this should get. And with it being a video game adaption, its almost set up to fail. Fassbender is a fantastic actor, but does he have enough star power to single-handedly bring in more viewers? The director, Justin Kurzel is a fine director, and I believe he can make this film very good, but I really don't think AC will make a huge impact at the box office, especially when it's competing with Rogue One, and Passenger, a Chris Pratt & Jennifer Lawrence sci-fi flick. I DO hope it surprises me, and changes the success of video game adaptions, but it will take a lot.


Bomb, yup. Maybe if it crosses the 400M mark they'll force a sequel, even after losing a lot of money (200M budget + promotion requires quite an amazing gross).


assassin's creed isnt even a big game anymore so apart from gamers, people wont know what this movie is about. The bad karma from all failed videogame-to-movie adaptationis of yesteryears and fassbender's non-existent star power (not big enough to draw a huge crowd on his own, that is) will lead to this movie flopping big time.


You can say that Assassin's Creed has fall in its quality in recent years, but stating that it's not big game anymore is foolish as fck. As foolish as claiming that Fassbender doesn't have a star carma (surely, this is is why they're putting his name right on the top of the poster like with Depp in his good days, Bale, Jackman, Damon, Cruise or DiCaprio, huh). And Fassbender is not the only one with star power here, Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons is also in the cast, if his star power won't be enough, they'll help, be sure.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I don't know if I'd say it's guaranteed to bomb, but pumping $200M into this thing was quite risky. While the Assassin's Creed franchise is fairly popular, I'm getting the same vibe I got with similar genre films like Battleship, Prince of Persia, Warcraft and John Carter. Huge budgets films relying pretty much on the properties alone to sell them. The only problem is those properties aren't as big as, say, Harry Potter, The Avengers or Batman and Superman. The fact it comes out right after Rogue One is another challenge.


Warcraft was a huge hit in the east. I Think its gonna be a similar story here. Mediocre but get enough support in other parts of the World...maybe!


I doubt it. Warcraft is huge in china. AC isn't as pupular in china as Warcraft is. It isn't even close.


