PG13? Wow...

I ain't going to watch this shlt. Sorry, I ain't into children's movies.


So you didn't watch The Dark Knight?


I like to see a little bit of blood in violence because it looks more realistic. Seriously, you're going to make a film that has people shooting other people with no blood splattering at all? Please.


So you had a problem with The Dark Knight because of that?


That's one of the problems. I'm just not into watching movies about a guy who has a bat fetish and talks like the cookie monster most of the time.


That sounds so hipster


Nope. I'm not into PG rated movies. I like movies that are dark, suspenseful, violent, gory, and serious. Majority of PG rated movies lack these traits.


So a movie fails if it's serious but not gory for you? That sounds so edgelordy


If you read my previous post to you again, you will see gore was not the only thing I expect in a movie. Dumb fvck.


So AC will fail despite it being serious because it's not gory enough for you?


Why do you even try to discuss things with him? The person has d*ck on his avy, and you try to give him an argument. Take my advice: save your time.

Nolan, I love you forever!


You're right but he's definetly noticing the contradictions in his statements


Ok, you obviously did not read my previous posts so I'll just copy and paste it for you.

I like movies that are dark, suspenseful, violent, gory, and serious. Majority of PG rated movies lack these traits.

Gore is NOT the only thing I expect in movies. And I didn't say Assassin's Creed will fail, I'm sure it'll make a lot of money at the box office, the movie won't be as good as I expect and it's not my type of movie cuz I ain't into PG rated movies.



It's not your type of movie

Why complain then?


So PG-13 movies can't ever be dark and serious by your standards?


So far, I have yet to see PG13 movies that were dark and serious.


None of the Batman Nolan movies?


I'm pretty sure I already said I am not into movies about a guy who has a bat fetish and talks like the cookie monster.


Then list what you like. Those films take the concept of a caped crusader so seriously, which you say you like, but are now calling it stupid. See the contradiction?


Those films take the concept of a caped crusader so seriously

A movie about a guy who wears a cape, has a bat fetish, and talks like the cookie monster all the time. Sorry but I really cannot take that shlt seriously. I ain't into PG rated movies.

See the contradiction?

No. Not really.


So you watched 20 (good) movies your whole life ? Cause there ain't much r rated movies that are great/good. PG-13 movies have always been more succesfull


Holy *beep* do you even know *beep* about movies? Only 20 R rated movies were good or great? Man, have you ever even kept up with the film industry? A lot of great films are rated R. The *beep* are you even doing on IMDB?

And if you did not notice; the other guy is trolling you.


What about Nightowl? That concept is taken seriously too. Is that too childish for you? The Rise of The Planet of The Apes and The Dawn of The Planet of The Apes too childish for you too because those were some dark movies. Remember when that monkey tricked those soldiers thinking it was harmless with that machine gun, but then it mercilessly killed them


A movie about monkeys... yes, very dark.


Pool you got trash taste if a premise is what turns you off even though you like material to be take seriously


A little blood would be nice. The fight in the trailer where the female assassin stabs those two guys looks fake and weird because of the lack of blood. They've just been stabbed, but there isn't a single drop of blood.


Serieus question so you find all james bond movies fake too cause there is little bloodshed in those movies especially the connery, moore, brosnan and craig movies.


Godamnit again with the bullcrap complaining. There ain't a single *beep* thing wrong with pg-13.

Star wars rogue one is also pg-13 Nobody complaining about that.


Waarom laat jij je zo op de kast jagen? Hij heeft al een keer een soortgelijk iets geplaatst en toen ging je ook al zo tekeer.


Omdat ik slecht tegen mongolen kan die maar blijven zeuren over bijvoorbeeld de leeftijdsclassificatie. Er is niks met pg 13 en daarbij was de trailer greenband oftewel geschikt voor elk publiek en gelegenheid.


No offense, OP, but there isn't really anything in the games either that would really make it more than a PG-13.

A PG-13 works when you aren't shoehorning R-Rated material like Deadpool or Robocop into it.


Sure, all the violence and stabbing people in their faces is normal for children. Are you insane?


It really depends on how you play, if you barge in to a group of militants or from stealth


pg 13 dat is wat zwaard gevechten en mensen neersteken is. Pg 13 is overigens geen kinder classificatie maar een tiener classificatie.

Je weet zelf ook wel dat een bloedspurt hier en daar geen 16+ rating waard is.


Het spel is niet voor niets geschikt voor 18 jaar en ouder. Stel je voor dat kinderen dit gaan nadoen. AC is niet geschikt voor kinderen. Dit is een feit. Allen ongeschikte ouders laten kinderen dit soort spellen spelen. Het is veels te gewelddadig.


De game had makkelijk de 16 plus rating kunnen krijgen van uncharted. En dat zou vertaalt kunnen worden naar 12+ in film vorm.


All of the Star Wars, Star Trek, and say ... The Lord of the Rings films didn't get an R rating and I'd argue were good series (arguments about the prequels or ST:TMP aside).

So a blanket PG-13 movies are terrible is a bit weak.


PG13 movies make more money at the box office simply because most people are bunch of chickenshlt pussys who freak out when they see blood or hear people drop F-bombs. Another reason would be so people can watch the movies with their kids.

That doesn't make PG13 movies more enjoyable, especially when it comes to crime, drama, horror, and action films.


That doesn't make PG13 movies more enjoyable, especially when it comes to crime, drama, horror, and action films.

Having everyone drop F-bombs and putting blood everywhere doesn't make those any better, either. It merely shows up the very limited abilities of the film makers...


Look at Alien, Aliens, Terminator 2, 28 Days Later, The Departed, and Nightcrawler, those movies do not show gore and people dropping F-bombs in every scene yet those movies are a lot more serious than movies that show some guy who has a bat fetish and talks like the cookie monster all the time.

"SHUT THE FREAK UP!" What's wrong? Too chickenshlt to say "fvck"? Does it offend you? You might as well watch Cartoon Network or My Little Pony.

I bet you're one of those pussies who hate Alien 3 cuz that movie shows a scene where a guy performs an autopsy on a little girl.



Look at Alien, Aliens, Terminator 2, 28 Days Later, The Departed, and Nightcrawler, those movies do not show gore and people dropping F-bombs in every scene

The Departed has an F-word count of 237... That's more than Scarface, 8-mile, Donnie Brasco or Snatch, and is the 34th highest on the Most F-Words In A Film list (Compiled from citation on various ratings sites, including IMDB).
Nightcrawler has 46 F-words alone, while 28 Days has 49 and 28 Weeks has.... strangely, 28.

Aliens only has something like 21, 18 of which come from Hudson!

yet those movies are a lot more serious than movies that show some guy who has a bat fetish and talks like the cookie monster all the time.

They're also not based on childrens comic books, so don't have to keep it completely kid-friendly...

"SHUT THE FREAK UP!" What's wrong? Too chickenshlt to say "fvck"? Does it offend you?

Heavy use offends me, because the film makers obviously couldn't think of better dialogue than "*beep* *beep* *beep* you you *beep* *beep* and obviously don't think their audience deserves anything more imaginative - So *beep* them... especially anyone who does a Gangster/Mafia film like that.

You might as well watch Cartoon Network or My Little Pony.

Happily. What's the channel number?

I bet you're one of those pussies who hate Alien 3 cuz that movie shows a scene where a guy performs an autopsy on a little girl.

No, I just hated it because it was *beep*



So you do not watch

-The Indiana Jones series
-Forrest Gump
-The Fugitive
-Dances With Wolves
-Million Dollar Baby
-The Lord of the Rings series

Edit: Adding more because you're a Kunt.

-Pretty much any Hayao Miyazaki film
-True Grit
-Fire in the SKY
-The Social Network
-Rise of the Planet of the Apes/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
-The Prestige
-Troll Hunter
-Cast Away
-The Artist

Because they're PG-13 movies. Wooow. You're so edgy and grown up and mature coming from a guy that has literally a stupid teenager sex joke as a user name.

Are you being ironically retarded?

Some BODY once told me.


Wooow. You're so edgy and grown up and mature coming from a guy that has literally a stupid teenager sex joke as a user name.

Are you being ironically retarded?

LOL! On a scale from 1 to 10, how mad are you? 


Considering how I'm not the same idiot that has "LOLSEXJOKEDICKBALLSXDD" as a user name, I'd say 1. Mostly because stupid people are annoying. You still do not answered my question, though. Are you being ironically retarded? Or are you this dense in real life? Why do you ignore movie just because they're PG-13 even though they're pretty great? Is it because you want to feel better and mature because otherwise those around you consider you childlish and mentally challenged?

Some BODY once told me.


OP is right, *beep* this PG13 crap.


Stop trolling.

Nolan, I love you forever!
