Gay kissing

I mean, really, does the general viewing public want to see this? Call me a homophobe. I don't want to see it. Turned me off to an otherwise watchable show.


You aren't a homophobe... the looney left just love to throw that word out there anytime someone doesn't clap and cheer when there are two dude kissing. The reality is most of America doesn't want to see two dudes kissing, which is why every poll on gay marriage shows that the majority of American's don't support it regardless of what the courts rule.

The fact that this show tried to shove it down the collective throat of the American viewer is the biggest reason their ratings tanked. It was a show with potential. It could have even had the gay step brother and no one would have really cared... but when they started having him swap spit it was over the top for a show that hadn't yet secured a base of viewers.

It didn't make me puke or turn channels when it happened, but I did expect the show was doomed when it happened. No matter how much the liberal in Hollywood want the rest of the world to support the gay community it isn't likely to happen for several more generations if ever... and the more they try to ram it through the more likely they are to get pushback.


The reality is most of America doesn't want to see two dudes kissing,

The reality is most people don't give a $h*t.

which is why every poll on gay marriage shows that the majority of American's don't support it regardless of what the courts rule.

That's weird. I just did a search on that to see if you were accurate and the first two polls that popped up said it was 60% in favor. So it's definitely not "every poll". And I highly doubt it's "every poll but the first two". (those two polls were the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. Of course, this is where you say those sources don't count b/c they don't believe what you believe).

The fact that this show tried to shove it down the collective throat of the American viewer is the biggest reason their ratings tanked.

Wow, this hits (or misses) just keep on coming from you.

Actually the show failed b/c of it's time slot. Not b/c of gay kisses. The show went up against hit shows like Scandal, The Blacklist, and the Big Bang Theory. That is why it failed. BTW- Scandal seems to be doing fine with their gay kisses. Big Bang Theory seems to be doing fine with their gay lead actor.

I guess your "fact" wasn't really a fact, was it?

No matter how much the liberal in Hollywood want the rest of the world to support the gay community it isn't likely to happen for several more generations if ever...

Seeing as how 60% of the people are cool with it, I'd say it's already here.

PS - I'm super duper straight. And I'm also not a liberal or a democrat (I know your default setting is to call people liberals....blah blah blah, and I just wanted to skip that part).

You want to hate gays that's fine. But don't act like you're the majority. You are the ignorant minority.


I can create a poll that give any result I want, which is what has happened with the gay marriage polls. Remember when the most liberal of states California had a ban of gay marriage on the ballot? At that time the polls shows your overwhelming support of gay marriage, but guess what the ban passed by a majority of the voters. It's the reason most polls aren't worth a flip... when they are done by folks with an agenda they really don't mean squat beyond telling you what that group hopes is true, not what is true.

The show pushed too hard and they got spanked in the ratings for it. You can make up reason about the time slot all you want, but that wasn't the only factor of their demise... if it was only the time slot then your ratings would have been so high when it started. Reality is the viewing audience gave them a chance and they balked at the show when it decided to go with the flame on high.


I like how in your first post the polls were "reliable" and then when I pointed out to you that the internet didn't back up your claims you now say that polls can say whatever people want them to. Which is it? Do they matter or not? Or do they only matter when they support your viewpoint?

At that time the polls shows your overwhelming support of gay marriage, but guess what the ban passed by a majority of the voters.

Do you know why that is? B/c most people that don't care about gay marriage also don't care enough to go vote on it. The narrow minded people that do care who sleeps with whom always find the time to push their ignorant agenda.

To put it another way, the passion of your "hatred" is stronger than the passion of my tolerance/acceptance. It sucks that that's true, but don't go around thinking that the world agrees with you when they don't.

You can make up reason about the time slot all you want, but that wasn't the only factor of their demise...

I didn't "make up" a reason. It really was a beast of a time slot against established shows (and a couple of the shows have GAYS on them. The thing you said was the reason Backstrom got destroyed!).

Reality is the viewing audience gave them a chance and they balked at the show when it decided to go with the flame on high.

You don't get to decide reality. Maybe people didn't like the show? But claiming it was b/c of the gay character is baseless and unfounded (and unprovable, unless you want to make up another poll?). And again, some of the shows it was competing against have gays on them. Whether you like it or not, that completely destroys your argument.


I love you, Doggie. Loves, loves, loves.


@thomas998, you are correct.


You can agree with him all you want, but you don't get to decide what is correct.


I can decide what is correct for me, just as you can.


Nothing he said was factual. It was all opinion. So there is no "correct for me". Feel free to agree with his ignorant rant all you want. But it's not correct.

He was even wrong about the polls he mentioned (then when I pointed that out he backtracked and said polls didn't matter b/c they could be manipulated). Funny how they counted when he thought they were in his favor.


"All opinion," is your interpretation because your values are skewed. As I said before, I can accept and voice what is correct for me, and neither you, nor anyone else has the right to tell me otherwise.


So his ignorant non-fact based rant is "correct" for you? That says a lot about you and your values. Not to mention your mental capacity.

You can have the last word. You clearly need it more than I do. 🐙


It's pandering. It's appealing to a youngish, or a not-so-youngish anymore thirty-something audience who want to believe they're tolerant and trendy so that when on social media or talking to friends at work they'll be able to say how tolerant and trendy they are for watching x... That gay kissing doesn't matter to them and that they're enlightened and progressive for being able to set there and watch it.

They're still part of the workforce, they still believe 'disposable income' actually exists, they're spending money on things being offered during advert breaks, so it only follows.

But as was said above- the rest of the world with its head on straight(see what I did there?) doesn't give a toss. And it shouldn't. You have to consider what's more bigotted and cynical- the folks here complaining about something that doesn't matter, or the networks execs making gay kissing into something that "MATTERS."

You want to keep the world divided keep drawing attention to how something as innocuous as kissing, or skin colour is somehow different -even when it isn't.

Yet here we are. Congratulations execs. Epic Trolling.


WV, you are a bigoted moron.
And that is a fact.
People used to say the same things you do, but in regards to interracial kissing.
They were also bigots. Like you.

Keep West Virginia classy!


Bingo. Shoving a lifestyle down throats doesn't necessarily make it "main stream".




Because they should only show things that a majority of Americans wanna see? Like girls kissing and stuff like that?


I'm gay and I don't want to see negative, stupid comments like yours. So I guess we're even.

Yes, you might be a homophobe, but more than that, you're a coward and an insensitive person. I'm not offended by all the straight kissing that dominate TV in general. So I wish you would just cut the crap, man up and realise that people are different.

Gay love shouldn't be hidden away just because it's not your "cup of tea". Gay people exist. That's life. Just accept it and your life will be a lot better, trust me. It will save you a lot of anger and pain. It might even help you gain some new, interesting friends. ;)

Dennis Alexis


No, it's actually normal to find gay kissing gross or weird or odd unless you're into guys. Sure some people can tolerate it (probably mostly women and libcucks) but for the most part, unless you're into that sorta thing, straight people aren't into watching 2 dudes kiss.

Some tard below brought up the example of 2 girls kissing and whether people found that gross. Obviously most straight guys wouldn't because they're into girls. No one cares that it's "gay", dudes are into watching chicks kiss each other. Call it a double standard if you want but that's how attraction works.


You are being the "Tard" here .. you should be asking if most women, NOT men, would have an issue with 2 women kissing... I can tell you most would have no issue with it as they are in general far more in touch with their sexuality than most men.


Lol. So not liking something (i.e. dudes kissing) means you're not in touch with your sexuality?

That would only make sense if you were gay.


I have no issues with adults kissing regardless of gender, as long as it is not too gratuitous.

What I have issue with, and generally skip forward through, are the sex scenes some shows have that are overly graphic for no real valid reason and feel like lazy softcore porn filler scenes to pad out the show and compensate for lack of story and dialogue. It does not matter if the scenes are straight or same sex, what matters is that they are a waste of time generally and the shows could generally do without them.

Thankfully this show had no overly gratuitous sex scenes in it :D

