MovieChat Forums > Impractical Jokers (2011) Discussion > Some of the punishments go too far

Some of the punishments go too far

Why does poor Murr always get the punishments involving nudity? I don't understand why those are even allowed (nudity punishments). Some things go so far that they aren't funny.

Maybe I am approaching this as a woman but I am baffled by the cruel things guys will do to other guys as pranks that involve nakedness, like pantsing them in public, tying them naked to a tree next to a road, inviting girls into their fraternity dorms and pulling guys out into the hall in front of them who are in the middle of showering etc.... A girl would be in tears and pressing charges if any of those things were done to her. You are violating someone's body without their consent and to me it should be considered a step down from rape.

Anyways, I can understand how Murr posing nude in an art studio was at least legal, but the episode where he had to strip completely naked on a busy New York sidewalk was completely over the top.


they are funny, and yes girls would be pressing charges. Guys are different. I've seen guys run across a football field naked with full stands. It's just a guy thing.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog



Damnnn, you really tell it as you see it tsaintx. Tell us how you really feel now...lmao.






Most people would call me a BUMF. But, I digress. Which would automatically make me ineligible to even talk to the OP, she said so in a post that, "even if you're a nice guy, you shouldn't go after girls who are way prettier. Unless you're rich."


She said that? Haha What a crazy pathetic bat.


It's pretty much true though...





Trumplerina?!?! HEY! SOME of us here ARE voting for Trump, and we DO NOT act or sound like that!!!! Watch it!

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


Trumplerina? Ohhhh! I like you Merilee, but F that guy...and then F him again. He insults veterans and has called American POWs cowards.


Actually, I agree with the OP, some of the punishments go too far. And it usually is Murray. On the other hand, some of the punishments don't even seem like punishments. Like Q riding around in the scooter, might be mildly embarrassing, but I'd consider myself lucky if I got that punishment.

Regarding nudity, it said on one of those "Inside" episodes that Murray was the only one who worked out, so maybe that's why they make him strip down. But they also seem to make Joe strip a lot, who is the opposite in that he's probably in the worst shape.

What I don't understand is why, for instance, haven't they made Joe get a tattoo to get even for the ones he made everybody else get. And if I was Murray, I'd be looking to make the others get their nipples pierced too or whatnot.

There might be a rule against repeating punishments, but I don't think there is, because there was a scene where they were going to make Sal get on top of the tram right after Joe got that same punishment, and Sal was freaking out about it.


They do say that there's a rule about repeating punishments. Which is probably one of the main reasons why Sal was freaking out. Luke he thought they abolished the rule and no one told him about that!

Yeah, Murr is the only one who works out, according to them (nowhere is that more obvious than in The Blunder Years. YOWSA!!) But I think Q lost a great deal of weight myself. In the special last week he looked a LOT thinner.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella




How is he sexist exactly?


it was in the posts that were deleted


Hmmmm....triggered and cucks? Congratulations on using the internet terms of the quarter. I'll stick to real English from here on out, but thanks for playing.


looks like your comment got deleted


Yeah, I already noticed and made a post about it. I suggest anyone it applies to read it.


where is it


Well it seems like the OP got butthurt they and reported the post. Or there's another whiney crybaby on here looking for their, "Internet safe space" or whatever crap these losers are trying to push down our throats further exemplifying the continued pussification of this country.


actually I reported it



because I believe in social justice and I'm fighting intolerance where ever I see it rears it's ugly head. that includes reporting misogynistic comments from sexists online



please follow imdb tos when posting


Oh I'm sorry, did my real talk offend you? Are you going to whine to the mods now that the big meanie person hurt your feelings and get someone else to fight your battles or are you going to actually put your big girl panties on and take it when someone gives you some realtalk?


no I don't need to report this one


Here's the thing: You don't need to report anything. You choose to report things because you fell you censorship and you want other people to fight your battles for you. What you're doing is very passive aggressive.


and you don't need to post on this site but if you do you are expected to follow the sites rules. you aren't above rules. they apply to you as well.


In case you weren't aware, I have a first amendment right that protects my freedom of speech.

Also, in the course of this discussion, you've gone from sjw to internet police. When did that job start? Or do you still live with mom and dad and are unfamiliar with the concept of a job?


free speech doesn't apply to a private company's message board. they can do as they see fit. and they saw fit to delete your insulting messages. maybe take this time to reflect and better yourself and then come back and speak with others like an adult.


Free speech applies everywhere sweetheart. You know, you always have the option not to read what I write or even visit this message board.


maybe you should go talk to the police about your messages being deleted then lolllll


You are mistaken. The U.S. constitution grants you free speech protections from the government, not from private entities. If you go enter someone's private property and start saying things they do not like, they have the right to tell you to be quiet or else they will ask you to leave. If you refuse to comply, they then have the right to call the police and report you for trespassing. This applies to both private homes and private businesses. For example, since malls are on private property you have no right to free speech while inside of one. If you are wearing a shirt they deem offense, they have the right to tell you to remove the shirt or leave and, again, if you don't then leave you can be charged with trespassing.

The same applies to private online companies; they have every right to restrict speech as much or as little as they like because you are granted access to their services through their privately run servers. If you do not comply with their terms of service, they have the right to inflict whatever consequences they like, including removing your speech or barring access to their services altogether (insomuch as they can given it's the internet and all).

Conversely, you are free to disagree with these policies and fight them by advocating change (although you're not necessarily free to do so on their platform - again, that's up to them) and by both boycotting their services and encouraging others to do the same to try to force change. But you don't have a legal protected right to free speech while using their services. Rather, your free speech is given or denied to you by a privately owned company and which direction they lean toward depends on what is best for their business model.


Except THIS SITE is not the one asking him to curtail his speech or leave; it's another user reporting him to the site. The site then blindly deletes his post. This forum has made it very clear that people are free to say whatever they want -- it's reports from other users that results in deletion, not a moderator/administrator who is an expression of the sites wishes.

If we all agree to report your post for example, it will be deleted... does that mean it was an offensive post?

To use your own anology, if I come round to your house and say something that insults one of your other guests (but not you) and that guest asks YOU to kick me out... whether you do or not is irrelevant. What matters is, the guest that asked you to... is a massive dick.


the site is deleting posts which violate their policies



I would kick you out because you insulted one of my guests.


because I believe in social justice and I'm fighting intolerance where ever I see it rears it's ugly head. that includes reporting misogynistic comments from sexists online

Shutting down people whose opinions you don't like is... the embodiment of intolerance.

Since none of the posts you claim exhibit intolerance are available for anyone else to read (and therefore judge), how do we know they're intolerant?

For all we know, you might just be an imbecile.

Additionally, you posted this on the other thread...

I'd let all 4 of them stuff me like a jelly donut

The notion that a woman should show her appreciateion of men by offering them their body is, in fact, an example of misogyny -- check your privilege.


I fight for others armed with nothing but my keyboard and an Internet connection




And I fought for the rights of everyone in this country with an M-16. So to borrow a quote from Col. Nathan Jessup, "I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it."



It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


oh sorry i guess i didn't realize that you were providing freedom by insulting women on the internet. my bad.



A man's self-esteem doesn't come from how he sees himself physically.

Men also value competition (which includes one upmanship).


They do say that there's a rule about repeating punishments. Which is probably one of the main reasons why Sal was freaking out. Luke he thought they abolished the rule and no one told him about that!

Another reason I don't think there's a rule about repeating punishments is because in a few episodes Murr didn't want to do a certain punishment and Joe would say "Do you want to go skydiving?". But if you say there's a rule, you're probably right.

Even so, you'd think there would be some way for them to get even, something that would be permanent like the tattoo. That Jalen Smith tattoo is pretty funny though, who would have thought of that?



Hi KatyFitch,

Yes I'm still going to call you that. Thanks for the kind words, I do appreciate it. Anyone can think and say anything they want, but if you sound like a raging lunatic with these idiotic ideas like some people have, I feel it's my job to tell you that you're an idiot.

Here's an example: I'll bet this nutjob I've been talking to and Colon Kaepernick have two things in common. 1) they both think what he's doing is noble. 2) they both pee sitting down, too.

Glad to see your post isn't reported yet, you missed a good one from the night before last.


glad to see you're behaving yourself



what do you have against he authorities







You're getting posts deleted for no reason. Don't come here and attack longtime posters and try to force your beliefs on them. I'm sure someone of your sensibilities would feel more comfortable on Jezebel, or some other crybaby social justice warrior site.


it's not beliefs it's just forum policy


I have a forum policy to put my foot up your ass.




I just copy pasted the msg I don't have the ability to remove posts or users



i usually highlight the text with my mouse but use ctrl-C keyboard shortcut to copy and then crtl-v keyboard shortcut to paste. it saves time and in the long run makes typing easier and more enjoyable.


Wow I was just lurking these forums and I stumble upon this hot mess of SJW rhetoric. Check your privilege indeed, or rather abuse of it.

This is why we need Donald Trump. PC culture is the bane of my existence.


WOW, it's been 2 hours...I'm surprised she hasn't flagged your post for deletion by now.




Punishment is about the worse fear one has that is one gets to be naked.
