MovieChat Forums > Impractical Jokers (2011) Discussion > Some of the punishments go too far

Some of the punishments go too far

Why does poor Murr always get the punishments involving nudity? I don't understand why those are even allowed (nudity punishments). Some things go so far that they aren't funny.

Maybe I am approaching this as a woman but I am baffled by the cruel things guys will do to other guys as pranks that involve nakedness, like pantsing them in public, tying them naked to a tree next to a road, inviting girls into their fraternity dorms and pulling guys out into the hall in front of them who are in the middle of showering etc.... A girl would be in tears and pressing charges if any of those things were done to her. You are violating someone's body without their consent and to me it should be considered a step down from rape.

Anyways, I can understand how Murr posing nude in an art studio was at least legal, but the episode where he had to strip completely naked on a busy New York sidewalk was completely over the top.


tsaintx, no I wasn't the one who reported you, but you seriously have anger issues or something. Why get that worked up over someone else's opinion on the internet, especially over a topic like this? You told me to turn the show off if I don't like it, as if I couldn't figure that advice out on my own, but if you don't like a comment on the internet, you also have the choice to just ignore it. And since you quoted another comment of mine elsewhere, I see that you have followed me around on this site. How much time do you have on your hands? I have never followed someone around on here. In regards to my other comment, I never said nice guys can't go after prettier women. I said if they get rejected they need to perhaps lower their standards next time, instead of whining about how women who don't want them are entitled to date them just because they are nice. You must be one of those guys.


I agree with you.

I have said it before and I will say it again here, the prostate exam one is way too far and is crossing a certain line. It's not funny and it's sick.

There's a few issues I have with it. One being they have a public platform, to show the prostate exam as being a punishment and being painful is going to discourage men from going for one, which is already a huge problem, men not going to the dr and shying away from these exams.

Another problem I have, and it may be controversial, but to me it feels like it is pushing right up to the line of rape. I know some will disagree, but think about it, it's being forced on him, he cannot say no to this and it feels like a violation to Murray.

I feel that punishment really crossed a line. It felt disgusting, not funny and uncomfortable to watch, where will they go next?
I turned it off and now it is coming up on UK tv episdoe, I wonder what the reaction will be?

Comapre this to Sals 'punishment' where they tricked him with the whole statue thing, it didn't even get a response from Sal, it wasn't funny and he wasn't even slightly annoyed at having to pack up filming.


Another problem I have, and it may be controversial, but to me it feels like it is pushing right up to the line of rape

No pushing the line about it, you might as well call it rape. If I was Murray, I would refuse and if they tried to throw me off the show, I'd sue them so fast their heads would spin.


Another problem I have, and it may be controversial, but to me it feels like it is pushing right up to the line of rape

Astounding. Not even close to rape. It's not even close to sexual harassment.

No pushing the line about it,you might as well call it rape.

I think you're both confused about what rape and sexual assault are. This is nowhere in that ball park. It's actually very insulting to REAL sexual abuse victims to categorize the jokes these lIfe-long friends play on each other as being forcibly penetrated or molested by an un-wanted assailant.

These grown men who CHOOSE to continue this successful show with each other know what they can do to each other and what would actually be crossing the line.

As far as the "nude" punishments, the public never see's any them fully nude. What nudity they do have had is within the confines of the legal jurisdiction they're in at that specific moment. For example: the "strip high five" punishment in NYC where Murr appears to be 100% nude he is in fact wearing a jock strap type covering over his genitals. It's all clearly explained throughout "Indside Jokes" and they're respective interviews/blogs/suicidal media posts.
