MovieChat Forums > San Andreas (2015) Discussion > Daniel Riddick (SPOILERS)

Daniel Riddick (SPOILERS)

Or "Reddick" or whatever his name is, showed his true colours when he left Blake to die. It's realistic, human nature is selfish, in a life or death situation would you risk your life to save someone else? Especially when you're not even that emotionally close to someone?!

Another thing about that scenario that could have been possible was that Daniel Reddick got amnesia, he was hit unconscious and then when he woke up he couldn't remember anything or anyone, it could be possible that that was the case, but i highly doubt it due to the dialogue making it clear that he left her out of his own cowardice.



I agree. Riddick has no connection to Blake other than through her mom. It's likely he had full intentions of getting Blake help but then as things got increasingly worse around him, his concern switched to saving himself.


It's likely he had full intentions of getting Blake help but then as things got increasingly worse around him, his concern switched to saving himself.

In this case, intentions mean nothing, when he didn't follow through.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


would you risk your life to save someone else? Especially when you're not even that emotionally close to someone?!

If I was supposed to be in love with her mother, then yes! If you love somebody, you're supposed to care about the things they care about; if you enter a relationship, the kids come as a package deal. If he wasn't willing to die for the mum, then he obviously didn't love her that much, and if he WAS, then why wouldn't he die for her daughter, too?! Even if he survives, he's immediately single. You don't get away with: "Hey honey, I abandoned your daughter! Hope that's OK?". She wasn't just some random nobody he had no connection to...

Anybody who could leave a person they know and supposedly like in order to save themselves is a psychopath. It complicates things slightly if they're a complete stranger (although sticking around and facing things together would still be the decent thing to do) but she wasn't.

The movie makes clear he's a bad guy when we specifically see him get a freight load dropped on his head.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I think the screenwriter intentionally made him into a bad guy for no good reason except to hit the disaster movie cliche of the selfish jerk who eventually gets it. Poor writing and a disappointment to me. I don't blame Riddick, I blame the screenwriter for forcing him to be evil.
