MovieChat Forums > Nuclear Now (2023) Discussion > Huge Crack in Nuclear Reactor Pipe Found...

Huge Crack in Nuclear Reactor Pipe Found!

Nothing safe about nuclear power.
I told you so!

France was expected to restart more nuke energy sites. Protestors stated they're not safe and this incident proves it.

"The news about additional stress corrosion, which according to the watchdog occurred in a part of the reactor which EDF had not considered prone to stress corrosion, comes after five months of intensive repair works at the site.

The company, one of the world’s biggest utilities, last year faced an unprecedented number of outages due to a delayed maintenance schedule and stress corrosion, reducing nuclear production to 30-year lows.

EDF in December had to further delay the restart of several of its reactors hit by stress corrosion, including the Penly 2 reactor located at the same site."


This doesn't prove anything. Things break and go wrong. Also, when it comes to nuclear things are mostly misreported and not understood.

For 30 years France runs almost the whole country on nuclear for decades. Ever heard of any disasters there? But go on and lie some more, rotten-cherry pick some more, drive the world into planetary hotboxing while you admire your self-righteousness in the mirror.

France is one of the most nuclear-powered countries in the world, typically producing over 70% of its electricity with its fleet of 56 reactors and providing about 15% of Europe's total power through exports.

Over time that just gets better, safer, cleaner and more efficient.

You are so closed minded.


"Things break and go wrong."

Exactly! That's the reason nukes are a bad idea.


You're simple.


You gave up fast.


ever flown on an aeroplane Keelai?
