Real Purge Night

Would you like a real Purge night and if there was one what would you do?


I would personally be a hunter even though my chances of survival would be lower than if you are a hider and barricade yourself in well enough to see the night through.


What would you hunt? other edgelords?


Yes. I would establish triple-redundant security around my house; three layers of random punji stick pits to impale invaders. My family would be heavily armed with overly sufficient reserves of ammunition and have edged weapons (swords, knives, icepicks). We would have fire suppression systems and reserve oxygen stores. We have gas masks, stores of survival rations, abundant amounts of bottled water, and lots of batteries. An emergency portable generator is also on hand. Our laptop will have sufficient reserves of power so that we can watch DVD episodes of Modern Family until 7 A.M.


Also, we won't open the door for any random stranger.


All of that costs money...if this were a real scenario most of us would be SOL


All you need to do is drive out into the wilderness somewhere, and remain in a dark colored tent and keep lights too dim for anyone to see. Theres places out there where if you didnt wanna be found you wouldnt be.


I've thought similarly. And maybe play it by ear more than plan an exact spot. If you plan way ahead, that gives anyone watching you time to figure it out. If you just go on the lam at a moment's notice, a bit harder to find


Problem with that is people will burn down your house. You're not just fighting for your lives, you're fighting for survival to last the other 364 days of the year until the next purge. Doubt there's any insurance valid for the night of The Purge.


I'd take my cue from the movie, of course: I'd be on the lookout for marauding gangs of homicidal rich people!!

Crazed, sadistic millionaires! THAT'S who'd be out in force that night!

No doubt about it, the "Purge" movies reflect an eerily accurate understanding of human nature.


Just travel to another simple as that


Good solution.

If I couldn't do that, I'd find the most obscure location possible and hide there. Maybe on an unpopulated island in the middle of some obscure lake in the midst of nowhere. I most certainly wouldn't stay in a city.


I think when everyone first saw this film they asked the question you just asked. Most people I spoke to had a list !!! Personally I would try and stay safe and wait for the night to be over . Don't get me wrong there are people I don't like but I couldn't just go about killing people

I was waiting for my hearse what came next was so much worse


I would probably hide and secure my house because in reality i'm not a violent person and would be scared.


No, it's a horrible idea to begin with and I can think of a million ways it could go wrong. Bad actions should be punished and Purge Night was basically condoning that. The fact that the rest of the year doesn't have as much violence is ridiculous because you probably have more violence solely on that night than during the entire year in regular conditions. Plus, it's hilarious that there's still no gun control which says a lot about the US, plenty of countries with low crime rates have tighter gun laws, only the US doesn't get this.

But I digress. It's a terrible idea, especially since it's a system that disadvantages (even further) the poor and already oppressed people and, once again, benefits solely the rich who can afford security. If people don't think that's screwed up they need to get a psychiatrist.

I don't live in the US and in the movie there's no specifics about purging in European countries, but if my country had a real Purge Night I'd get the *beep* out of there and move somewhere else. I wouldn't want to live in a country that condones violence like that.


I'd like to answer ur question but I'm afraid I'd get banned form the site.
