MovieChat Forums > The Purge (2013) Discussion > are the New Founding Fathers left or rig...

are the New Founding Fathers left or right wing?

what do you guys think? Clearly, they would NOT be very pleasant people. I think most of us would agree that these hypothetical New Founding Fathers would be maniacs. But, would you guess that they are right wing maniacs, or left wing maniacs?

The people on the news keep saying "blessed be" the NFF (new founding fathers), and just the word "blessed" makes me think maybe the writers of the screenplay for this movie want us to think that this crazy new USA is supposed to be Christian somehow, although clearly not a form of Christianity that any of my friends would support. Some people would argue that this implies that the NFF might be right wing, although I don't really think that would necessarily be true.

But, the way they talk about the society sounds sort of like a crazy version of (arguably) left wing social science, mixed with demented pop psychology.

I am going to have to watch this again and think about this stuff more. Does anyone here have any theories about this??

coming back to edit: by the way, I guess I'm trying to figure out what the writers of the movie intended for us to think. I don't think that's necessarily the same thing as agreeing with what might be their basic assumptions, like maybe thinking that Christians would be right wing. Also, it is certainly possible that the writers just didn't think this stuff through very carefully, or they meant for us to think tha the NFF were just CRAZY, and had a philosophy comprised of a mixture of right and left wing crazy ideas.

Who's... laughing... NOW?!? BZZZZZZ (hack hack spurt spurt) HA HA HAAA BZZZZZ HA HA HAAA


Right-wing all the way. And HARD right.

The contempt for the poor and needy, to the point of eradicating them from society...who does that remind you of? Certainly not the left or liberal Democrats. Hatred and violence against the poor, the struggling, the working-class, the 'have-nots' has been intertwined with right-wing politics for a long damn time. This movie was sending out a message (early in the film, a guy on TV talks about how 'The Purge' is REALLY about money and getting rid of the 'non-contributors' from society)--well, that sounds like eugenics and eugenics has historically been propagated by the racist, classist, conservative elite.


"Roll with the punches, Will Robinson!" - Lost in Space

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Yet it's the left carrying out secret clandestine assassinations. Drones are killing people all over the world and not just terrorist. Liberal leadership only ratcheted up constitutional violations.

We should fear all sides,all parties. In the end they only care for more power and control, regardless of what side they're on.

reply are so brain washed. Hitler was a socialist ( leftie), so was Mao (commie), both leftists like your brain washed self.

Stop believing what the tv tells you and think for yourself, but your a lefty so you just parrot what the tv says, what was I thinking....


Hitler was a fascist and was a big fan of Benito Mussolini. Its called national socialism to appeal to the workers but its fascism. Look up the history of how it all got started. It was always a right wing movement and the religious were the earliest members.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


You are an american so let me enlighten you. Hitler wasn't a socialist. Mao was a commie, but that is hardly a bad think for someone who wasn't born in USA. Seriusly people from eu laugh when u consider Democrats to be "left".
I guess, i am something you deeply fear. An communist who dreams a strong public-oriented state.


You are an american so let me enlighten you. Hitler wasn't a socialist. Mao was a commie, but that is hardly a bad think for someone who wasn't born in USA. Seriusly people from eu laugh when u consider Democrats to be "left".
I guess, i am something you deeply fear. An communist who dreams a strong public-oriented state.


You forget that Hitler believed in "National" Socialism, which by no means is comparable to true socialism. Yes, as a "socialist" he believed that the Government should control all aspects of society, but solely as a means for the privileged "elite" to maintain economic, political and social control over the populace. As a National Socialist, he rejected the idea of class struggle and equality for all members of society, in favor of social darwinism, specifically, the right of the State to purge "undesirables."

Further, Hitler's hatred of all things Communist, true "lefties" was only matched by his hatred of Jewish people.


Which group supports abortion? Seems to me the only group that has a history of supporting the killing of innocent life are Democrats.


Oh pls you conservatives are the true killers wanting to take away all the safety nets so ppl can be homeless and starving on the streets. Also you guys are not pro life as you don't give a damn after the child is born.


The purge sounds like an extreme right-wing idea.

Passenger side, lighting the sky
Always the first star that I find
You're my satellite...


I imagine this is hyperleftism or what happens when the "radical" left becomes mainstream.

"Blessed be" is actually a common phrase used in Witchcraft and neo-paganism. I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet. Neo-paganism is predominately a left wing religion tied to feminism, earth stewardship and equal rights. Towards the end the neighbors are holding knives and repeating the phrases while the camera circles around them... The first thing that came to mind was a good old-fashioned occult ritual and human sacrifice. I think the director knew what he was doing here.

The word "purge" itself has ties to communism. The concept of 'The Purge' in the film is almost like a contained anarchism where all laws and morality are void. Typically, you aren't going to find anything like this among the far right because they do their immoral *beep* behind closed doors and it's just generally not how they'd run things...

Anyway, I think the key to the 'wing' the Founding Fathers were a part of lies in that short phrase clipped from Neo-paganism.


Yes, that has been discussed before on the board. But IMDB loves to wipe the history of the boards.

The purge takes place on the Spring Equinox. So the whole purge is a blood sacrifice.



I imagine this is hyperleftism or what happens when the "radical" left becomes mainstream.

"Blessed be" is actually a common phrase used in Witchcraft and neo-paganism. I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet. Neo-paganism is predominately a left wing religion tied to feminism, earth stewardship and equal rights. Towards the end the neighbors are holding knives and repeating the phrases while the camera circles around them... The first thing that came to mind was a good old-fashioned occult ritual and human sacrifice. I think the director knew what he was doing here.

The word "purge" itself has ties to communism. The concept of 'The Purge' in the film is almost like a contained anarchism where all laws and morality are void. Typically, you aren't going to find anything like this among the far right because they do their immoral *beep* behind closed doors and it's just generally not how they'd run things...

Anyway, I think the key to the 'wing' the Founding Fathers were a part of lies in that short phrase clipped from Neo-paganism

Yes, that has been discussed before on the board. But IMDB loves to wipe the history of the boards.

The purge takes place on the Spring Equinox. So the whole purge is a blood sacrifice.

I believe you both hit the nail right on the head. How people could overlook this or worse yet misidentify this as fundamentalist/evangelical Christianity run amok is baffling.

As far as who the New Founding Fathers were IMO they were neither left or right, but more likely Illuminati/New World Order types that guys like Alex Jones have been raving about for years. When you look at the clues they fit the profile perfectly - elitist, hyper capitalists, and occultists.

If there is a Purge 3 I would love to see more on the NFF and how they came to power.


There was a lot of implied premise in this movie, as you stated. Yes, they were slamming the "evil rich" and the "Blessed...yada, yada" The producers probably patted themselves on the back for their subtle style but it was anything but subtle. Why couldn't the Purge have been done by environmental groups killing everyone that doesn't drive a Chevy Volt know the rest. Almost every movie made since the 70's is political to one degree or another movie, sad. Otherwise, the good thing about this movie was the good triumphed over evil. The standard dramatic arc.


They were right wing & based on The Tea Party


The lack of respect for America's original founding fathers (in supplanting their legacy with this "purge" idiocy) would seem to indicate that the New Founding Fathers are left-wingers.



I pretty much agree with you. The neighbors, clearly, had a very right wing way of looking at things. And, at least a couple of the little bits and pieces of info we get from the talk radio show make it sound like the system heavily favors the rich. But, something about the way they talked about social science sounded sort of lefty to me, and that little saying they kept repeating about a blessing sounded vaguely Wiccan, so, I don't know if Wiccans are right or left wing. I haven't seen this movie in awhile now, I should see it again before I try to talk about it.

For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.


Lefties murdered a hundred million people in the last century, and somehow 'love of violence' makes someone right-wing?

Purging is what the left do when they want to get rid of their enemies. Telling people to go out to destroy stuff and kill their neighbours is pretty much straight out of Mao's China.


Yes they are obvious Republicans and I'd think even the imdb boards wouldn't need that debate.


What makes you think they still have the " two party system" in this world/universe? For all we know there are no "Democrats" and "Republicans" in this movie's universe. Probably a war broke out and then the richest and the most powerful took control because... well.. because they could.

I don't know the right answer to your question... we would have to ask Mr. Rothschild.
